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Is It Love Or Lust?


Marsha an the boys discovery more the they bargain for when they first meet one another. Will He. An Marsha love last as her level of sussces with her new job rise will things crash down? Find out in the revision.

Book content

There are () around some words symbolizing what they are speaking. If you read the lure about each individual character you will understand what these stand for:


<> ” “

= = ~ ~ and more. MEANS!

Book content

There are ( ) around some words symbolizeing what langue they are speaking. If you read Them Below Us The lure of all worlds part1. Then you will understand what ( ), < >, " " , = =, ~ ~ and more. MEANS! Think you enjoy.

Ch.1 My husband dosen't know

Ch.2 Unhappy woman

Ch.3 Eight men 1# divorce

Ch.4 I rather have you

Ch.5The secert

Ch.6 Missing in action

Ch.7 Saving

Ch.8 You can't have me

My husband doesn't know

Working in a office isn't all what it's cracked up to be.

Anybody can print papers. Or pick up dry cleaning.

There's more to being an assinste then running arinds.

Taping her pin over and over on the desk.

" Marsha stop doing that your annoying others around you

The boss needs to see you"

This is one of the things I was talking about. "What dose he want with me I already brought his coffee." As I mumbled strighting my skirt an grabing my tablet and pen I presided to put on smile as I entered his office.

" you ring your grace?" With out looking up from his desk he waves papers around in the air. "What the hell do you call this!!" Slapping it down on his desk.

"Well sir there stack of papers well printed stack of papers if I might say sir" slightly rolling my eyes I let out a breath of air.

"Marsha." He says in a calming voice leaning back in his chair. "You have worked here for quite a while now I like you to take this down. I want a review on the BBT boys by the end of next week or your fired." Looking at my calendar closely.

"My parents are comeing into town and I have a engagement photo shoot with my husband that week also" slapping his hand on the desk once more."do you want to keep your job or not."

Rolling my eyes as I being to walk out his office.

"Oh and Marsha darling." I stop in my tracks "no later then 9 on my desk your the best." Flopping down at my desk making calls and resclacheding everything my phone beings to rings.

"Hey baby not now I'm at work."

Tapping my pen on my desk as I stear at my computer screen. "What's this shit about canlenceing the photo shoot? An your brother called me twice thinking I don't want him to the house what the fuck is going on up there?" I place the phone on the desk and get back to work glancing at it ever other minute.

"I think he hung up on me I can't believe my boss did this to me I even told the staff about my parents coming down this weekend Maybe it won't be to bad. Just a little enterveiw maybe I can do a two day thing and go home two guys one day and two the next. It will be a fucking 4 day thing. " I look around an see the office empty. "Marsha your still here. You wanna go to the bar?" Looking up at her in surprise. " No no I gotta get home maybe some other time. Plus I gotta start interview these men." We walk down to the lobby together instead.

As she arrived home a light turns on in the far left corn of her living room."we need to talk." Closing the door behind her she ignored him an keep walking towards the bed room. "Acknowledge me woman when I'm talking to you,your parents have called her twice tonight asking me why I'm trying to destroy your bond?" She turns around and looked at him. " what you want me to say Jr. I have to work." Pushing the stuion farther she went into the bathroom and locked the door. " open this dam door I'm not done talking to you ." Looking into the mirror putting her hair up into a bun taking off every layer of clothing one by one she grabs a towel and raping it around her. " I'm done talking to you about this subject either drop it or your not getting any tonight." He counties ranting about her parents and her bother. "I guess his sleeping on the couch tonight I don't have time for this." She mumbles to herself.

The next day was my day off so decided to get two of the interviews out the way before my boss called. "Hey I'm Marsha if you two have time I like to ask you some question for LLM magazine?" They look at each other with confused looks on there faces. " okay well let's get this over with shall we." One of them hold there hand up for the waiter at the restaurant. As he comes over I being to ask my first question.

"How you get your stage names?" The waiter looks at me waiting for me to Oder. "Oh I'm sorry I'm not hungry just a water for me." Bowing he walks away "um okay then back to my question." The guys look at me once aging with the same look on there faces. "Do they not understand were I'm coming from with the questions they must be the dumb blondes in the group." Mumbling to myself as I sip my water I happen to glance over to see the other members of BBT with no hisation in mind I wave my hand and asked them to join us. "Well one of you answer my questions I have to have this turned in by next week my family is flying in and I have this photo shoot to do." Shaking my head i grab my things and leave them there more confused as before.

They walk out the restaurant living the money on the table one of the boys looking around in search for the woman before seeing her standing near the curb about to cross the street."jamkkan nohcida"

She turns an see's one of the guys running towards her the others are in shock as he grasp her the car zoom by splashing water all over him.

"Gwaenchanh-euseyo?" Looking up at his soft weary gaze Marsha nods. The others rush to her aid. " dude are you okay? " holding his hand out to help her up. "Thanks but I'm fine you guys?" Pulling her up from the ground the all bow in respect. " um do you guys speak English at all?" One of them raise there hand. " I do I understand you the others don't speak English well." Okay well can you translate for me or teach me?" With a glime of hope in her heart the one guy picks up her bag and the other guides her to there hotel for a private interview.

"Maybe I should get home to my husband I wonder if his waiting up aging I don't wanna argue aging like last night just stop at Micky'ds for something to eat." Turning into the parking lot of Mickey'ds she notices her boss's car right next to her. With no never mind about it she goes ahead in sliding on her sunglasses hoping he dosent recognize her." Marsha is that you?" Trying to cover up her face with her hand she walks towards the front slowly and calmly. "Did you finish the interviews Marsha darling?" Turning around detected putting on a smile. " I'm not quite done yet they will be on your desk in the morning for sure." With that said I grab my food and head home.

The only thing that was going through my mind was earlier that day when he rushed to my side with no hesitation he was so handsome his skin was so soft. Shaking her head as she parked her car. " what rare you thinking your getting married in less then a week lets not do that now." His face pops back up once she enters the thought of his brown eyes and pink cherry blooms lips and the scent of his cologne. Rushing around the corner to see his finance leaning against the door in a gaze." HEY WOMAN!" In a instan she snaps out of it noticing that she is home. "Oh hey sweetheart I'm going to take a shower here's dinner." With no eye contact she walks toward the bathroom Rubbing her head.

Later that night Marsha still couldn't get his voice out her system so she decide to finish up the article for work in hopes her boss doesn't fire her tomorrow.

"Babe you know you got work. Here's some coffee" rubbing her eyes she looks down at her watch scrambling up everything together rushing to the bath room and closet for clothes An to brush her teeth. "By babe mm thanks for the coffee." Once she gets to the office someone is in her cubical. "Um hi are you knew?" They look up at her. "We meet yesterday Remember I'm under cover." Rolling her eyes. "Okay look I don't have to play games with you today I have a meeting with my boss." Waving his hand suggesting her to go. "I'll be here when you get back" rushing toward the room pushing people out the way. "your late Marsha let's see what you got." Closing the door behind her the meeting starts as one of the members waits he starts looking through her things. "Hey you are! you suppose to be going through Marsha things?" He looks up at her with surprise "well I'm just waiting on her looking for something to do is all." Stares him down and realize Marsha did mentioning getting married soon. "Are you her fiancé you not what I expected why are you dressed like that?" Realizing this could be a chance to know more about her. "What else did she tell you all?"

Garbing a chair from the other cubical she be gain to tell him everything. Walking out the conference room feeling confident in myself I decide I to go back to the cubicle for my lunch.

"Your still here." He looks up at her with smile. " yes the people here are really nice lets go my boss wants to talk to you." He grabs my hand and pulls me into the elevator with him. "Hey my lunch." Looking up at him wondering if it's him who saved me or one of the others that asked if I was okay. "We can get you lunch latter let's focus on this first okay?" Pulling me into a taxi. "Where Are you taking us?" Whispering to the driver we being to leave my work place. "Here put these on." Handing me some bland folds. " why should I?" Looks at me . " just do it." I place them over my eyes. A few hours later he removes them. An i was setting in a clear white room with mirrors. On the wall was BBT name. "Marsha I understand your doing a review with my boys and you also work at the largest company here in town. I like to offer you more then what he pays you if the money isn't what your looking for you be doing what you love and traveling." I turn towards the guys behind me watching as he revel his self. Pointing my finger. " you why didn't you tell me it was you?" Looking at the manger and others in the room. "I will think about it and get back to you if it's alright with you." Her phone rings garbing it out her purse she sees its her boss. "Um I gotta take this its my boss." Nervously she picks up her phone.

"Hello" holding the phone close to her check. The others watch as she takes the call.

"No sir" one of the members approach her. "What is he saying?"

She puts him on speaker so everyone can here. "Am I on speaker Marsha?" With embarrassment written across her face she holds the phone out so everyone can hear." Okay good your review was denied all though I loved it. I wanted to tell you this news up front but you left work with out checking out so in the morning please make sure you get your things. You'll be lucky if anyone hire you after today's little stunt." Garbing the phone out my hand one of the members spoke up for me. "She has found a new job already she doesn't need a crapy boss like you." Waving her hands begging them to stop another member did the same "yeah Marsha awesome" then the next and next hung up the phone. "so do you want to work with us or not?" Turning around with tears in her eyes speechless.

Unhappy woman

Loud sounds from the tv burst through out the cordoor.

As I sit on my couch staering at the screen . "Why can't he be like that?" Checking my watch noticeing the time rushing around the house to strighting up feeling tired and overwhelmed Marsha rushes an puts her cleaning utensils away . "I'm home." Walking out the room with gloves on and a apron he looks at the coffee table "you should be studying not cleaning." Her eyes got wide as she thought to herself maybe I should tell him there's no food in the fridge. she looks at him from head to toe with a disgusted look on her face. Shaking her head "umm Jr your food is in the fridge and leave me alone." Ever since the guys and I had that fight I been on edge we haven't talked to one another or texted eachother for months we are supposed to be close friends then why am I so lonely with out them here by my side. Why do I feel so empty when I'm...Jr looks over the corner."Marsha there is nothing here in the fridge you said my food was in the fridge." Turns around "Jr order something then because I spent all my money this month on my bills" she grabs her things and went in the room. "What's her problem." He starches his head looking downstairs his phone goes off "hello yes well."

Marsha looks at phone with lonelyness pressing her lips against her phone it goes off "안녕 Taim ! (Hello Taim!)" her hand shacking at the sound of his voice "어두 괜찮아? 대답 해.(is everyone okay?answer me.) listening to the rustling sound of the background and voices Taim finally picks up his phone"안녕 marasha 다시 일하러오고 있니? (Are you coming back to work?) " pressing the phone tightly to her ear "나는 학교를 끝내야 만한다. 나는 다시 약속을 지킬 것이다.( I have to finish school then I will come back promise.)" as the conversation went on marasha looked at her pictures on her desk of her and the others.

Maybe I should go back to work she thought to herself " Marsha Marsha !" Hearing his voice say her name she purk up "Ming goni 나는 너희들이 너무 그리워(I missy you guys so much)" hearing him sigh on the phone she prepare herself for the worst "너는 어제 바뀌었다. chimni는 사무실까지 올라 갔고, 당신이 앉아 있었던 남자 설정이 있었다.(you was replaced yesterday. chimni went up to the office and there was a man setting were you once sat.) the boys hear a thumping sound on there side of the phone "uh hello " Marsha was laying on the floor Jr rushs in once he heard the rough rustling "babe are you okay?" He opens the door slitly in hope she was in a good mood the boys was still on the phone kem heard a man come in he intsally hangs up. Jr looks down at his wife "Marsha!" Griping her in his arms he calls nine one one as they arrive they rush her to the hospital.

Her phone rings Jr picks it up. "Um hello"

Feeling the intimidation over the phone he looks down at the cell phone Id " yes we was hopeing Marsha can come in today the boys are asking for her I assume your her agent this is her boss speaking."

Clearing his throat Jr try's to calm down "she's in the hospital right now can she come in tomorrow plus she has exams next week." His plams start to sweat. "Of carouse let her know if she come in today we will pay off her schooling an arrange it were her school work come to her." He hangs up and asks the nurse for her room number "I'm sorry sir but that patient already left ." Shocked he walks out the hospital looking for her.

"Marsha!" Yelling form the top of his lounges he balls his fist up from anger.

Once Marsha got to the office everyone was there expect for Ming and chimni. "Hi" she bows twice in embarrassment.

"So you got my message?" She nods "oh I will need a new phone I left my other one with my agent after they gave me the message." He looks at her. "Ask one of the guys to get you one for your birthday it's right round the corner isn't it miss yourt." She bows and the seven of them walk out the office in wonder of what her position at the company is since she is no longer a asstince for the boss. "너 지금 여기서 뭘 할거 니?(sooo you are going to work here as what now? ) " kem looks at marasha as she shrugs her shoulders. Ming and chimni comes in looking at her. She stare at them back "우리는 여전히 서로에게 화가 났습니까? Are we all still mad at each other is the question kem?" Everyone looks at her Taim fixes his lips "나 그리고 린 arent 미친 더 이상 우리는 행복한 심지어 goui 및 juen 행복하지 않습니다.(me and rin arent mad no more we are happy your happy even goui and juen.)"

Crossing her arms she looked at kem and chimni an Ming "잘 나를 위해 행복하게하는 사람들은 올해 나머지를 위해 나의 스케줄을 찾아 보자.(well the ones that are happy for me let's go find out my schedule for the rest of the year shall we.) Taim holds his hand out and walks her to the break room passing by chimni and Ming got a wif of her secnt as she past by chimni watched as she left the room kem sets in a chair with his arms crossed while Ming mumbles a little “ (What the fuck man?) ".

" (i don't see my name on here anywhere)" Marsha looks at Taim turns and looks at him holding something.”(here's something from the boss.)” Marsha grabs the note and look at it reading it therolly walking out the office to the elevator jeun picks up the letter and looks over it. ”(she are personal assistance and she been prompted. look goui.)” Rin walks to the elevator and stops it before it closes hopping on "(where are you going?)" she looks ahead at the doors "(to talk to the boss. if the others are going to make a fuss over my marriage i don't wanna be your assistant.)" Rin press a button so the doors will open he rushs towards the other 3 to tell them the news once the doors open on the top floor there Ming and kem and chimni stud waiting for her,she tilted her head and keep walking kem blocked her way as chimni gently touched her hand ”(we are sorry marsah and wish you the best.)“ looking at Ming and the others her mind begging to Change they all hugged after chimni showed her where here new office be.

”J.R I'M HOME!" he walks out the far left corner "when the fuck was you going to tell me!" He walks up to her with her iPad in hand and paspoters in other. "Jr those aren't for me and what you see on there isn't what you think." Looking down at the iPad she pushes Him on the nearest couch and Snatchs it out his hand. "Why was you looking through my shit?" He holds up his hand with the passports in them. "What are these about woman!?" She looks at them "there from the compompany I've been assigned something new so I will be going here and there nothing big." With a big smile on her face she walks toward the room with her bags an things. "You still haven't told me what the fuck that was on your iPad why was it up is it yours did you write all that Marsha!" Ignoring him she wAlk into her private office closing the door in his face.

Once she woke up the next morning it was snowing and her car was in deep . Walking out the door in her rob"hey it's one of those men at your job." Ignoring his words marasha brushed the snow off and drove to work. As she entered the building Goui looks at her in surpiuse "marasha marasha" stoping her from going up stares ”(good morning let's go for a walk)" shaking her head Marsha try's to maneuver around him but couldn't looking down the few stares behind her she saw chimni comeing up behind her. “(oh what's going on)" waveing her hands n the air Marshas phone began to buzz chimni mouth words to Goui with curiosity. "Ooo Marsha " with a smile chimni puts his arm on her shoulder an walked up stairs Goui shook his head following them.

As they opened the doors kem and the others began to sing her happy birthday in English her face lights up as her phone buzz once aging. Ignoring it Marsha blows out the candles and splits the cake the office phone rings kem picks up "WERE IS SHE!" With a shocked look on his face kem hands her the phone everyone gets quite as do the staff as Marsha yells and screams on the phone. With one slam she starts balling her eyes out on the spot"(let's bring out the presents)"Taim yells to Brightin up the mood. turning around to rin and the others seeing Taim with his hands up and suggesting presents Marsha bows in apologize grabing rins arm pulling him into the hall. "(can i stay with you guys at the dorm for a night i don't wanna go home tonight)" nodding his head looking at the guys an back a Marsha with a cute dumb found look on his face he fixs his lips full of cake "(what happened)" looking at her in her eyes Marsha explains as Goiu starts to goof off to lightin the mood. They come back in looking at everyone goofing around. Once the staff left and Marsha cleaned things up she went to the dressing room downstairs and grabbed a few of the dress and sweat pants Goiu came in "(rin told me everything he told me to come get you everyone is already back at the dorm getting filled in.)" she bows in thanks and they walk toward the dorm Goui try's to cheer her up before they get there but nothing works " (what happened)" shacking her head Goui shrugs his shoulders and opens the door to the dorm “(TAIM KEM chimni) "

"(we are here rin taim kem chimni ming!)" one by one comes into the living room Rin stays were he is so dose kem as Taim puts his arm around Marsha leading her to the couch as chimni grab her bags to the spare room. Ming looked at Goiu and back at her as she walked towards Jeun who was laying on the couch half asleep "(hey jeun lets play a game)" setting right next to him looking at him as he sets up quickly

Marsha laughs a little the others prepare a room for her while Goui and jeun play around with Marsha. Ming comes into the room shouting "lets party down" with his terrible danceing Marsha turns around and stear at him with a sweet smile on her face and joins in Rin come into the room putting his hand on her shoulder she stops instantly "(yes what is it?)" he lets out a breath of air an shacks his head "(let's go get something to eat)" she watches everyone grab there coats "WAIT (I can cook remember)" they all stopped once she said that an went back to what they where doing Taim an chimni came to the kitchen ever so often sneaking a taste of food.

Ming glance over as she brought everyone there plates "(aren't you going to eat)" she shacks her head and leaves to her room leavening them with a sweet smile. They all look at each other with disappointment on there faces "(she's always in the room working)" Rin mubbles under his breath losing his apetta chimni gets up from the table and lays on the couch looking through his phone as jeun go into the shower an Taim and Goui go into the room to play games and Kim an RIN wash up dishes Ming try's to get Marsha out the room several times all he hears from the other side is silence. Sliding down the wall in front of her Ming sets there an waits. Marsha opens the door with a rob on seeing Ming asleep at her door grabing some cover and laying it on top of him Marsha goes down stairs to see Goui and chimni still up "(I'm just getting some water then going back to the room)" they nod there head an focus back on there phones Marsha pats her head scuffing her feet across the floor towards the fridge chimni looks up from his phone at her bending over Marsha turns around covering up herself chimni covers his self up with a pillow trying to focus on his messages. Marsha puts the water down and glances at chimni ,she shemys her way toward Goui messing with his hair getting him agitated he pulls her down on the couch tickling her Marsha takes his phone an snaps pictures of herself "(when are you guys going to bed)" Goui playing with one of her plates shrugs his shoulders chimni gets up with the pillow on his pelvis walking to his shared room "Um (Goui let's watch a movie)" leaning in to kiss her forehead he whispers goodnight in her ear with her rob open she lays up on the couch flicking through the tv hearing foot steps coming down the stairs Marsha turns around and sees Ming "(come sit with me)" walking slowly dragging his feet he sits next her Marsha handed him the remote so he can find something to watch but he just put it down beside him Marshas eyes focused on the tv Ming lifted her legs and sat them in his lap an beggings to rub her feet gentlely Marsha let's out a little moan looking down at him. She role her self on her back feeling his hands run up and down her legs she unites her rob reveling her brown soft flesh an lace underwear an bra Ming watches as she spread her legs "(we can't) Ming mubbles under his breath Marsha grabs his hand putting it on her stomach "(not that ming i want you...and i will be quite promise not like no one found us out yet)" Ming moves his hand quickly once he sees her wedding ring "(what happened with you and Jr)" Marsha sets up slowly setting her body in his lap kissing his kneck "...(your my husband tonight baby..)" trying to hold back he grabs her ”(stop it. you do this every time you and him get into a fight first it was crying now sexual healing i can't)" her eyes tear up "(i'm not doing this because of him you jerk)" hitting his chest Marsha grabs her rob and runs up to the room slamming the door chimni comes out the room "(what did you do this time)" with the cover raped around his head he walks up to her room knocking on the door he opens it slowly "(want some company for tonight)" nodding her head Marsha throughs her arms around his kneck in casting him in a hug chimni picks her up holds her tight and falls onto the bed with her on top of him raping his arms around her body he takes a pillow and place it on his pelvis Marsha nuzzles up against his chest feeling his heart beat thinking to herself "is it me". Chimni feels tears fall from her eyes onto his chest he rubs her back putting her to sleep. BUZZZ BUZZZ BUZZZ looking over at the night stand chimni hands Marsha her phone Turing over towards the wall " hello" with morning breath flowing from her lips chimni turns the other way falling back to sleep. "I'm not comeing back home until I'm ready." Trying to make senses of what is going to happen in the future "what about us? What about are life together?" Jr beggings to cry on the phone " I will come home when I'm ready okay just give me time to myself" Marsha hangs up and throws her phone hitting jeun in the chest "(oh wake up we got work remember)" jumping on top of me and chimni. chimni pushs jeun off the bed and walks out the room brushing his hair back jeun follows him yelling at him Marsha gets up and grab her things to head to the bathroom but it was occupied kem looking over at her "sit have breakfast while you wait?" Marsha bowed an enjoyed her meal at least tried to with one and a million things on her mind Marsha couldn't concentrate she shaks her head. Goui comes out staering her down "(you can go in know)" she nods her head with her month full of rice an egg chugging down her juice she pushs chimni out the way and closes the door "HEY!" He screams out Marsha leans up against the door blushing thinking in her mind I felt his abs aging hitting herself I can't think this way I'm married. Chimni and Rin stare at each other as they put on there shirts "(how long is she going to be here)" Kem asks. Rin responds "(I don't know)" chimni interrupting there conversation "(i over hear her argument with her husband this morning but didn't understand. a lot of yelling)" Kem and rins face turn into ahh as chimni countied. " yeah man (she also throw the phone out of anger it hit jeun)" they look at jeun as he come out the room with Taim behind him the bathroom door opens Rin walks up to Marsha an hugs her she glances at kem and chimni "(what's going on)" she months to them they both shrugs there shoulders letting her go he pats her head an goes into the bathroom "hey!" Chimni screams in a hurry Rin closes it jeun and Taim Goui leaves to BBT corporate as do kem and Ming "(I meet you guys at work okay be careful okay )" they nod there heads as she leaves chimni and Rin goes into her room looking through her things "(found some snacks right here)" they look around at how messy she is chimni takes one of her chips and leaves "(are you comeing)" Rin ignores him and begins cleaning up for her in a hurry he catches up to him. Later that day Marsha rushed to the practice room before recording session bring everyone and the staff lunch. "(thank you)"

Ming walked over and sat his drink beside her leaning in towards her Marsha looks up "(what is there something on my face)" rubbing her face. He moves her plates out her face going back to the guys chimni walks in from the changing room Taim looking at himself in the mirror Rin and jeun practiceing there moves kem watching everyone Goui on his phone looking at lircys . Marsha writes down everything getting up from her spot Marsha gathers her things from the makeup room Goui comes in to grab his phone"(want to walk home together,oh and you have a message from the boss.)" she nods and ask what it was scooting her feet across the floor Goui looks at his phone an shows her the voice mail she lets out a deep breath "(I better call Jr when we get home)" he looks at her with a surprise look on his face as they turn the corner Goui tugs on her arm she turns around looking him in the eyes , "(your not going to leave like last time are you,we all was worried about you including...... well are you) she shrugs her shoulders at his out lash. Goui lets her go an counties walking toward the dorms "Wait!" He stops knowing her condition Marsha begins to call her husband to see what is going on at home"hello sweetie" Goui stares at her as she talks on the phone "come home please I can't do things with out you! Your always at fucking work take a break and come home I want you here in bed with me to hold you in my arms aging." Cringing from his words Marsha couldn't take no more of it "no I will come home when I'm ready. Stop calling my job your going to get me fried I'm exhausted from hearing the same thing over aging is this all you wanted to tell me Jr that you wanted to hold me an feel me touch aging ugh." Feeling disgusted Marsha waits for his response " no that isn't it I was calling to let you know that your cusion called an she is on here way right know to spend the night do you want me to let her know you don't live here no more or what?" Hanging up the phone Marsha gives Goui her things an bowed running to the nearest bus station Marsha try's to make it home to set up an clean up the house so her cusion will feel comfortable. But in the back of her mind it lingered "I have to sleep with him" shivers went down her spin like every time she thought about an ugly look came across her face Marsha cusion finally made it the whole time she was there her phone buzzed instead of picking up she trend it off. Knowing exactly who it was she waited until everyone was sleep to call to check up on Goui who she left behind "(hey goui i'm sorry i left you. without an explanation you and juen and rin deserve to know what is going on i'll be home soon after this dont worry oh and i will make it up to you all.) with no one to pick up she lives a voicemail on the dorm phone. Wakeing up the next morning she an her cusion ride around an gets grocery an return back to her place. Marsha puts on a fake smile and happy look for her knowing deep inside she loves another.

The guys look at the phone as it flashes Chimni comes around the corner and press's the red button hearing her voice they all look at Goui who was in the kitchen eating noodles his eyes got wide from the apology an the Mention of his name. The next morning one by one toke a shower an head off to work. Goui turned the corner to find Marsha setting on the bench with a present in hand walking past her if he didn't see her Marsha stands up an calls out his name handing the gift to him. "(I'm sorry for yesterday)" walking up to her he pulls her in an hugs her with all his stergh"(he dosent deserve you like we do)" push him off her Marsha try's to hand him his apology gift appreciating the gesture Goui an Marsha walk to work together. Smileing inside and outside through out the day Marsha grips the practice room door tightly and porcoeds to open it to find Jr Ming,and kem talking about her behavior at home jeun and chimni standing behind her listening in whisper in her ear "(what are you doing)" cold chills runs down her spin she turns and looks behind her "(why is he here)"with no clue of his own chimni an jeun look at eachother

"(we was told not to go in)" chimni grabs her hand an leads her to there break room to clear her mind Taim an Goui was already there.

She pulls up a chair beside Goui breaking apart some chop sticks to reach for some of his food an Taims"mmm" chimni and jeun look at her in ahh "(have you ate at all today)" looking up at them with her mouth full Goui takes a napkin an whips her mouth as she try's to chew an swallow "(i'm so so so so so so sorry about last night goui taim chimni jeun....)" slamming her chop sticks on the table Marsha press her hands toghter an bowed deeply they all looked at one another chimni reached for her hands

"(eat eat please)" setting up looking at there expression on there faces Marsha picked her chopped sticks up an steady back eating "(we listen to the voice message last night,there's no need to worry.)" opening his month Goui "suhs" Taim for spilling the beans she laughs at them both. Chimni gazes at her smile jeun looks at him noticeing how deep his eyes are locked on her " humm chimni (chimni she isn't a picture you know.)" Marsha looks at him he snaps out of it when noticed Stareing he gets up an walks out the room Jeun fallows him"(how long have you been like this for her)" chimni stops in his tracks looking over his shoulder " ....(since the boss shows us her picture since our interview since that night she cried on my chest an i held her tight since her first seizure with us she isn't just a friend to me....) jeun month drops watching him walk away chimni shacks his head jeun pulls back on his arm he snacths away watching him walk away. He walks back into the break room Taim looks up jeun"(was i not supposed to tell that he pressed the button and we all listened)" Goui begings tickling him as Marsha looks at the door spaced out jeun waves his hand over her face she snaps out of it "(what's the deal between you and Ming)" Taim and Goui stop goofing off Marsha looks at him sallowing hard looking at the three of them before she could answer Rin comes in "(im sure theres nothing going on shes mostly with me or kem. at least starting today) they all looked at him startled by his presents. Kem comes behind him as dose Ming leaning against the door Jr stands outside the door with the boss. Marshas stares at Rin an mubbles what's going on Rin slides her a pice of paper kem gave to him before leaving the room she opens it."(follow are lead)" looking up at them both kem beings to talk. " from know on we will send you conformation where she is at all times an we will make sure she answers your calls when she's available if not I will be by her phone to confirm her safety." Marsha glares at Ming with a cold look he roles his eyes and give her a sharp smile. Jr replys " thank you if she dosent pick up I will make another trip but next time I won't be alone" he walks away with a paper in his hand the boss looks at Marsha calling her out into the hall. " Ming told him you been working over time an doing extra work with them as well since you got your new position I'm sorry to say this but we gave him a restraining order with out him even noticeing it...we been noticing some signs when your here at work we hope you work out your marriage soon." He pats her on the shoulder Marsha bows and they go there sepeter ways. Before going back into the break room chimni taped on her shoulder "Marsha" she turns around in a flash looking up towards him he quickly leans in and grabs her by the waist with one hand on her kneck the other pulling her into a embarrassing kiss he pulls away slowly taking her breath away "(chimni let's not tell anyone what you just heard or anyone about this)" he nods his head an let her go going into the break room together " (you found him)" Ming stears at them both shacking his head with nonsense writen on his face.

Rin approaches her "(kem told us everything until your ready to go back home you can stay at this hotel we will visit once we come back from shows and fan meets well when we have time of crouse. )" she looks at kem and the others confused "(are you firing me..because i'm not going to be at the hotel im going to be with i work for you remember or have you all forgotten who helped out when taim lost his cell phone on the last trip or when kem wanted a differnt room severice have you forgotten who talk to the passengers yesterday so you could get by on the train rin??)" Rin looks down at the floor. Ming smirks at her while she gose on and on. Goui gets quite chimni cross his arms "(we are not firing you just simply placing you somewhere safer so you won't be that not what you want we all appreciate what you do really thats why we as a group decided this)" she looks at Ming as he spouts his words Marsha bows at everyone and takes the key from kem give ping him a light smile she grabs her purse and walks out closing the door juen looks at her from his side eye as she slam the door "(will she be okay)" Goui looks at chimni he brushs his hair back leaning his elbow against the table wondering the Same thing.

Chimni walks slowly upstairs in thought. Marsha opens the door setting her laundry out the door "(can we talk something's been bothering me)" she walks back in the room setting her basket on the bed "(when are you going to tell him and Ming the truth)" her eyes got wide "chimni (where is this going)" he balled up his fist "...(when will it be my turn Marsha...)" Marsha looks down rubbing her hand through her rough locks

"(chimni you're too late on that factor it seems your commanders have made that decision for you)" handing him her passport and ticket back to America he drops to the floor shack his head "(there must be another way)" she shacks her head "(you heard them its the only way they must put me in hiding chimni if this is what they want to bring me more misery and pain i must abide by them right i love you all i do anything to keep you safe)" Goiu hears there conversation and runs downstairs

"(this isn't right we must come up with a different solution she isn't happy don't you guys see it. if not then what kind of friends are you)" Rin looks at Goui "(the kind that will do anything for her)" hearing a faint laugh"(apparently she will go through misery for all of us you say you will do anything proves nothing)" he comes down the stairs looking at him in his eyes shack his head chimni brushs his hair back throwing the passport on the table...They hear a THUMP THUMP THUMP!

"(Marsha wake up)"

juen nudges her.

"(what a wired dream)" she looks up at everyone in her office whiping off the slabber on her face starching and yawning kem hands her his tablet turning it up "earlier this morning a man by the name of Jr yourt was repotted stocking BBT for what reason who knows more about this story comeing up next" Marshas turns the subtitles off an looks at them all in shock "(i will pack my things and you guys can care me to the nearest hotel)" Taim raps his arms around her comforting her she looks at her desk feeling speechless "(no matter we are here)" looking over at Rin her heart mealts at the sound of his voice she jumps out her set in joy hugging Rin "(so it wasn't a dream)" she whispers in relief. They all have lunch together forgetting the situation chimni stears at her cornstally thinking about that kiss.

Later that day

Bragging into her office "why haven't you picked up your phone!" Looking at him her hands shacking and heart beating rapidly he begins licyering her once aging Someone here's yelling down the hall "hey!" Looking down the hall blur eyed Jr slouched over the desk in her face "hey look at me pay attention when I'm talking to you" she try's to snatch away. And sees chimni behind him an kem as well "esscuse me" he looks at chimni and edmditly he punches him in the face waveing his hand in the air "owe" chimni looks at Marsha with tears flowing down her face kem looks at chimni and nods helping Jr up from the ground "( how did he get in here)" she looks at him with tears flowing from her eyes. Chimni walks towards her raping his arms around her. "(calm down flower your welting everywhere)" Marsha sets back and stops crying looking up at chimni he grabs a set "(i wont leave your side do you want me to call goui for you his with rin and ming at practice)" she shacks her head cleaning her face "(just stay here with me okay until it's time for cam-practice)" he nods his head.

He helps her organize her things and sees the time he turns to her seeing the sadness in her eyes as she work he dosent bother her watching her tiny hands press the keys on the computer he pats her on the head and walks out the office not looking back.

Marsha looks over for a second noticing chimni was gone garbing her things she rush to the practice room. "Wait Marsha" she slows down looking back "here give this Taim it's a message from his family" Marsha folds it up and bows to her entering the practice room she takes out the message handing it to Taim bowing. Going into the other room with his phone in hand. The guys countie to practice Marsha take out her note pad as they start rolling camera Taim comes out red eyed with sadness writen across his face and begings to practice fricely. Marsha leans over to the staff member next her "(do Taim seem off today or is it just me)" she Stears back at her whisper "Marsha (your new here his grandmother is sick so if anything it's probably something wrong with her his really close to her)" she looks at him deeply watching him focused on his steps and direction she thinks of a way to cheer him up. Once the cameras cut off the boys gathered together on the floor for BLive Taim look at his members and walked out the room Marsha followed him " (Taim wait)" he keeps walking with his head down.

Marsha watches as he walks away turning her head towards the guys she walks back to her office to finish up work.

"(I came to care you home)" ignoring him Marsha gets up from her desk and places papers in the printer."(when are you going to go back home to this man what did he do to drive you away did you find out something about him)" still ignoring him Ming turns her around facing him "(what happened! marsha! why won't you talk to me)" she freezes up holding her gaze onto his "(marsha rin wants to know....) juen looks at Ming "(what's going on)" Ming moves his hands an body letting her go Marsha eyes clear up. He looked at her "explain" she turns around quickly with a smile on her face "(what did Rin need)" they walk out the office toghter all three of them.

Rin looks at her up and down his eyes full of hope"(we are home you guys. rin did you need something)" he shacks his head with a big smile on his face handing her a plate with gratitude writen on her face she bows and takes the plate an goes to the guest room. "(what is wroung with her?)" chimni and Goiu stear at one another. Ming and juen drag there feet inside Goui glances at them both. The rest of the night the boys gave her space except for Goui who kept going in and out of her room checking in on her. "Come in or out" he paused for a second looking down at the tray of tea slamming her pencil on the table "(please close the door and set down)" with tiredness in her voices Marsha turned around at Goui stretching "(are you mad at me for interrupting your work so often )" she looks at him sweetly but calmly as they sip the tea"(understand like you do ming chimni kem rin juen taim they wouldnt understand )" Goui looks at the door and back at her "(understand what)" she looks up him bright eyed "(nothing nothing we should try cheering taim up not me okay)" he nods his head with courisity. setsIng the cups on the desk so they can get ready for bed. "Goodnight Goui " cuddling up agsint him feeling his warmth. Taim sneek in the room and lay besides her on the other side of the bed cuddling up to her. Leaveing the door open wide Marsha here's kem and chimni snoring down the hall as the sun arouse for the next day looking over her room she thinks to herself "how it came this far" moveing Taim hand she monuvers herself out of bed chimni stops her once she reached the door" (i heard your footsteps. can we talk later?)" she looks at him and his sleepy eyes and nods. Going towards to the bathroom he notice Ming coming out his room ignoring each other they both walk by one another. "(breakfast will be ready soon. wake those to up before a fight break out.)" she nods her head once aging. "Goui Tami" shacking them both Goui grabs her arm and pulls her back into the bed tami cuddles up to her with tears in his eyes she turns over towards him looking at how sweet an tender he looks in his sleep with out WARING she warps her arms around him wakeing him up nuzzling him inside her Brest she begins to whips an pat his head Goui sets up stearting at them both "(umm what's going on?)" Goui looks up at Rin and chimni Goui gets out of bed pushing them out the room closing the door "(there both are going through a hard time it seems she broke down)" all three of them press there ears onto the door to get a listen. Taim raps his arms slowly around her body breaking down "Marsha (will you be at are live show?)" she nods her head releasing him from her arms they both set up an stear at each other as tears run down his face. ".(come let's not worry the others we have to eat sometime)" looking at him she whips away his tears. Kem looks over at the others an press is ear on the door. Ming comes up stairs standing behind them all "what is this about)" Moveing everyone out the way he opens the door Marsha looks at them all as do Taim ".(i i went and got breakfast we are going to be late for the plan)" Marsha hugs Taim an kiss his forehead "(of course i will be there i work for you and i am a part of the BBT family now)" she smiles big at everyone. An check the time "we are going to be late)" they all look at eachother an rush to get everything in suitcases and the car. Stoping her "(will you set with me on the plan)" she nods at him and rushs everyone to get into the car Marsha gives them all there pass port and ticket frantically Rin looks at her with a wide smile on his face watching her pull her breads in a high ponytail chimni and Ming glance at each other wondering what one another know and feel for her Rin grabs her hand "(hey we are here you can calm down know)" she looks at brightly smileing.

Taim opens the door and pulls her out and the others pointing to the board showing the flight bordering a crowd grow cameras flashed Marsha looked up at kem "are you guys ready" they nod including juen they linked arms and porcessd through."bbt sing my shirt" screaming from the left. "Ming Ming I love you!" From the right of them. Trying to keep the fans back one of the body guard pushes Ming away from the fan sourness fill his face as everyone bled the plan.

"Marsha (set with me and Rin)" juen grab her bags and puts them up above her. Breathing with relif "we made it finally" kem truns around as dose Goui "are you okay" with concern on there face Marshas eyes gets wide an she shakes her head. Rin turns to her takeing a ear bud out watching her playing with her phone "(what happened with you and your husband flower)" and there it was a question she been trying to avoid all week looking into rins eyes she feels if she tells him the truth he wouldn't believe her. Everyone glances at her expect Ming an chimni who was fast asleep. Marsha looks down at her phone "(guys can we focus on the concert and your practice and shoots and things like that instead)" outing away her phone she releases a deep breath "(we understand you don't wanna talk about it maybe later)" as the plan lands as dose her food Taim grabs a throw up bag as Rin rubs her back. Whiping her mouth she hands the guys the direction to the condo they will be staying at grabing mings hand they leave there bags with the others. dragging him to the next destion Marsha Looks back and wave.

Ming sowllows hard looking down at his pelvis being rubbed by her foot. "(what would you had done if kem or rin cought us?)" looking out the window she moves her foot trying to imagine what she would had done "(I don't know Ming)" changing the subject "(do you love me or him because your actions..)" Taim and the guys come in the restaurant setting down excited an playful. Marsha stands up an walks out side answering her phone " yes I will be home tomorrow if that's what you want" juen comes up behind her Marsha clinches her phone "(is everything okay)" she shakes her head an hand him everyone's passport back home safely and backstage passes for the winner an leave to the condo "(are you still comeing to the concert!)" she truns and yells yes with tears in her eyes. The guys look at one another as juen comes in "well" juen gives chimni a note that she slipped him and the others there things "(she will be at the concert but I think somethings wrong)" chimni got up leveling the guys at the restaurant.

Tears beging to flow from her eyes thinking to her self why dose it have to be this way why do it feels like I'm settling throughs get and tossing her things into the bag Marsha feels a hand sling her around

"(like I said I need to talk to you)" snatching away from him Marsha sets on the bed drying her face "(what about)" Marsha folds the clothes calmly "(here put this on)" leaning in Moveing her hair out the way he puts the trinket around her kneck smelling the perfume she's wearing she instantly warp her arms around his kneck "chimni(thank you chimni this means so much to me )" whispering into his ear his body shakes at the feeling of her breath against him. Pressing her lips toghter she clinches on tight chimni stands up with her raped around him. Looking into one another eyes he places his hands softly on her wast with no thought about it she gose in for the kiss. Chimni pulls away laying her on top of all her things he brushes his hair back he looks down at her. Marsha spread her legs playfully lifting up her skirt he truns away hiding his bulge "(we can't do it not like this Marsha)" with no responses Marsha gathers her things and hands him her hotel number just in case he change his mind giving him a kiss on the check leaveing in silence.

Latter that night kem an the guys put on there last show marsaha sets in the stand as they finish off Taim stops the show holding the mic to his lips" (this one's for my grandmother. might she rest in peace)" the fans got quite marsaha looked over her phone seeing it not being in the plans the boys disappare into the background Taim stands on the stage and beings to sing with tears flowing down his face pooling his heart and soul into the song the fans wave there hands in the air and there baby bombs in the air as the song ends Marsha gets up and pass out the backstage passes an leaves to her flight back home before the boys see her.

Eight men 1#divorce

Setting in the room looking into the night sky deep into thought I here the doorbell ring for a quick second thought I saw something at my window. "Probably nothing."as I answer the door there stud my boss and the boys from work all seven. Handing me a latter he turns and walks away"wait your leaving something." As I try to stop him the guys went Inside one of them waited for my return. "He's gone." Bout out of breath I look at him. "Why are you all here?" My husband doesn't need to see seven men in the living room." Pointing to the letter that I have in my hand I open it as we go back inside.

"There's no one more I intrust on but you to keep this group well

Trend to,I know you will show them a good time in your country. Besides what can go wrong your married and happy and with the men there,just know nothing will happen only for 3 months they need a break.

With love your boss"

Pressing my face into my hand begging to hit my self over and over an over aging. " well there's nothing I can do know you guys get comfortable my husband will be home soon. I'll get sated with dinner"they look at me with confusion in there eyes opening my arms in jester to welcoming them to my home. They look at me and kem comes Up to me "thank you for having us." Walking towards the kitchen Marsha begins cooking as the guys watch tv an play around.

Coming into the house very smug look on his face "what the hell woman!" The group stops what they are doing and gets quite. "Um well...hello dear come on in." Waving her hand towards the kitchen. The boys went back to what they was doing as Jr. Comes in behind me putting his things on the counter top giving me a glare "well explain!?" Handing him the letter he walks towards the room slowly. Rin comes into the the kitchen "marsha is there anything I can help with?" Smiling I show him the forks and spoons an plates in the cabinet asking him to set the table. "When your done with that tell them the food is ready." Jr stands in the kitchen looking at the letter Turing towards her "dose that explain everything for you" lowering the letter "they can't stay here!" They pause at the table filled with food staering at his movements toward the bedroom as the door slam behind him "well how bout we set an eat." Putting on a smile for everyone as they stare blankly at Marsha. "Are you not going to check on your husband Marsha?" Chimni asked. Looking up from my food at there sweet faces. "Now don't you all worry about me I will be just fine now finish up." Marsha accuse herself from the table bringing out clean towels and bed sheets for them all. "Once your done wash your plates and don't stay up to late." They all said goodnight. As the sun rose the next day the scent of bleach and spices linger in the air. She turns over to glance at her phone there was a knock at her room door ."marsaha breakfast is ready." Opening the door lightly looking up to see Rin she looks up and down at him an slams the door"okay tell the others I will be out In a minute. And Rin put a shirt on please." I walk towards my bathroom shaking my head trying to get the visual out my system as the water runs I hear a thump at my door before I jump into the shower Garbing my Robb Marsha hurry to see what the noise was "what's going on you guys?" Frozen in my steps kem on the floor trying to clean it up. Moveing him out the way She sweep the ashes up into the dust pan cared them to the room with her with no breakfast I go back into the room with my head down as the others clean up the glass. The guys looked at one another "what do we do?" Goui asked. "The vase had something in it?" Taim said. Looking down at the pieces of broken glass. She hast come out since breakfast." Rin replayed. Everyone looks at kem "do you think she is mad at us?" They all start playfully nudging him "why would she mad at us you broke it." Ming replied. Looking down the hall they sat there until she came out stareing at the door. "Chimni we will be back keep watch just in case she comes out." Nodding his head "what should I do?" Jeun grabs his hand."clean up before she sees this mess?" They close the door behind them. And chimni fell asleep as Jeun cleaned.

As they returned they being to contemplate rather or not to go in.

"Why boss? Why me? It's only the second day and they broken something." Stareing at a picture of her and her precious dog. "I should go talk to one of them find out who the culprit is.." Looking up at the celing noticing how quite it is she opens her door to see them all at her door. "We are very sorry." Handing me a new vase for the ashes "thank you guys. An thanks for checking on me I'm fine." Looking up at Ming over all the guys "I like to be alone" one of them looks down at the picture in her hand. "But Marsha." She closes the door. They go into the livening room but Ming opens her door "We like to say sorry" shocked and amazed "get out my room" another comes in "marsha I'm very sorry I didn't know it meant something to you We I will be more careful next time." Garbing my arm "come on you been in here all day lets watch a movie all of us toghter." Pulling me into the living room the guys look up at me "set here Marsha." As i start to sit down the phone rings"I be back guys." Garbing the phone "hello okay this has been the third week this mounth it's" Turning towards the guys as she puts the phone on the hook. "Is everything okay?" Chimni asks she looks at the hall as a way to escape. Rin goes into the kitchen for milk and cookies setting them at the table. They all look at her "was that the boss" Ming asks shacking her head. He turns her chair towards him" before you guys got here Jr has been working night shift for the last 3 weeks." Setting there eating cookies Rin made. The guys watch as they talk to one another chimni suggest "Let's not set here" Garbing Marsha and setting her down next to him "let's watch this movie toghter all of us." Ming looks at me "if you get tired you can sleep on the couch." Slamming the door "what is going here!" Startled everyone rubbing there eyes "why the hell are you in here and not in the room?" The guys sat up as I lad there calmly "I was having fun." I look around and realize Ming and kem were out of site. Marsha gets up and looks every were "woman what are you looking for ?" Whisper to my self "opening the room door. I being to smile. "Hey!!" Placing a hand over Jr month "don't you dare they work just as hard matter fact twice as hard my boss they're agent and manger gave me pacific oders and I will follow them with or without you you wait until they wake up to rest understood." With nothing to say Jr sets at the kitchen table as the guys clean up the living room. Rin brings breakfast to us all as we watch the news. "You guys rest I have the day planned out." Jr glares at me " do you have something to say to me" shacking his head " what was it you just told them?" Ignoring him she counties cleaning the dishes. Rubbing there eyes Ming and kem come down the hall. " put some clothes on" with that said her husband goss into the room slamming the door . The guys finish off the chores as Marsha got dressed . "Okay" looking at the guys from the hall way she whispers "pack your things you guys I mean all your stuff" shuffling her way down the hall with her bags. " the car will be here soon we must hurry."were are we going Marsha?" Goui asks as the guys set there things out side "to my home town your agent did say give you the full experience,I have one question are any of you allergic to camping?" They look at each other with concer. As Taim and Jeun put the last of the bags in the car we decide who will set with on the plan. "Why not Ming an Marsha and Taim on the first set,and chimni an kem and Rin on the second that lives goui an me." We all look at him "no how bout who ever gets there first wins the set next to the window." They all agree as we bored the plan and take are sets. Rin taps my shoulder "yes what is it". Looking behind me " I couldn't help but notice that we left in such a hurry we was wondering did you leave a note for your husband?" Turning around slowly "yes I did I made sure of it" The plan begging to take off Ming Looks at Marsha from behind.

Note she left her husband



bye. Your wife.

Chimni leans over towards Rin "do you think he did it?" Shrugging his shoulders. "If so it will be a manly and foolish thing."

As the plan lands the guys grab there things gradually Ming ,Chimni ,jeun,Rin gets off the plan. "Let's go to the caffertrea while we wait for are car." Goui requested grabing my hand we all head to the caffe. "So what are we going to do here Marsha" they all stare at me with courisity in there eyes. " well frist we have to get to the hotel let's pear up roommates for this trip." They all look at her. Goui fixes his lips to asks her the question before he could get it out she was already getting up from the table walking towards the car outside. Starting her down with coruosiy he trouts after her "Marsha.." Turning around as Ming waits for her at the first car "yes goui?" We all have a questions well only I everything okay with you and your husband and why don't you Remember..." Looking behind her as Ming wave his hands aggressively. She looked at him "go on." Patting his arm."ah it was nothing see you guys at the hotel."

As they reach the place Ming went in to grab the key."I'm going up frist tell the bell hop to just bring are stuff up here's your key. Tell the others to not bother me" with that said eye looked around the hotel for a bar or cafeteria to finish my work for the boss. "Marsha it's getting late you should head up to your room" feeling something taping on me on my arm I look up "Rin when did you get here?" The others was holding my things as I rub my eyes and set up "when been here for hours were is Ming?" Standing up so fast I hit my toe "what! I gotta go to the post office gimmie my things please." They all stare with nothing to say. "She shouldn't be working on our vacation Rin lets do something special for her so she can relax?" Chimni suggested "look she left her key. Lest go up to her and Ming room and celebrate her come ping back to us." Taim and the others agrees as she come back noticeing she forgot her key patting herself down. The door beggings to open. "Ming wasn't you supposed to be sleep." She asked he looked at her with a drowsy expression on his face pulling her inside the room he turn on the lights. "Surprise!!" Marshas eyes got wide "what is this all about?" Ming laid back on the bed." We wanted to through something special." Rin said as chimni closed the door behind her "it's so you can feel more relaxed and can start vacationing with us." Goui said "they all gatherd around the table full of food expect for Ming he just sat on his bed looking at his phone after the party they all went to there rooms.

I closed the door behind me when I turned around there was Ming. "I wrote him a letter to before we left." Blushing from check to check Moveing toward the hall "why would you do that Ming?" Fallowing Marsha "I have a photo of what it says if you like to read it I'm prepared for what ever reaction you may give me." She turns toward him as he backs her into the wall looking at as phone as it reads

"Dear Mr.yourt I know this is short notice but me and your wife have been seeing each other on and off for the past 8 years of your marriage we meet while she was still working at that stupid llh magizne campany I'm sorry to tell you this but she dosent love you.

I know that because when she is at work she dosent think about you she thinks only of me I see it in her eyes every day the boys love her she like a sister to them. I'm only telling you this because I know she dosent want to hurt you or leave you an I know one day she will have to make a choose me or you. I know you will never make her happy like I can. Singed BBT BOYS"

Marsha beggings to get upset with Ming and throws his phone but before she could let her rist fly he grabs her hand and He press her against the wall and let his hands run over every sexy crevice of her body slowly taking off all her clothes but her panties as He kisss. down her neck and let his hands grab and caress her breast. Then when his mouth gets to her breast He lightly run his tongue down it and over her nipple as his hand slowly slides down her body and into her panties and starts rubbing her clit.

Then run his tongue down her body and stop at the top of her panties and slowly start sliding them down kissing every inch of skin that appears and when her panties drop to the floor he spreads her legs and takes her clit in his mouth

Then slowly slide two fingers inside her pussy and slide them in and out curling his fingers as they come out. Then start vibrating his hand making his fingers vibrate inside while sucking harder on her clit and lightly bite down and play with the tip of her clit with his tongue

"stop we can't not like this" biting her bottom lip. He comes up for air licking his lips pulling Marsha to the edge of the bed rubbing the tip on her clit. "Are you sure you want to stop?" slowly gliding the tip inside She grip the sheets tight thinking of an esscuse to get out of this stuions. " won't the others hear me? Plus I'm still married." He looks at the door an realize what she says is true"well..." With there ears pressed against the door trying to hear everything. looking back at me "some bullshit" mubbleing under his breath he pulls his pants up and throws me my clothes. "HEY!" He looks back "shh I be back." Ming walks towards the door before he could reach it.

the knob turns from the outside the others play it off as if they heard nothing. He Straighten up his shirt he looks down the hall at one of the guys waving his hand.

"Did you tell her about the letter?" Rin asks. Surging his shoulders ever so slightly. The others look back as one of them ignore Goui in the hall whispering to eachother. They ease jeun hotel room to talk in private chimni comes in.

" I don't think she is going to be coming out the room today lets just go get something to eat give her some time to herself" looking around the corner at the guys. "Well...Shouldn't one of us stay behind just in case she comes out the room ?" Chimni Bangs the table out of frustration he heads to his room feeling ignored by everyone. "Then it's settle we will go get something to eat." Rin claps his hands toghter as he suggests to everyone. Once they leave the others being to notice they are missing someone.

"Call her and ask her to Check and see if his there."


"One of you guys get my phone please!"

Going into her hotel room without mings permission chimni picks up her phone.


"We just left the hotel did you wanna come with us or not?"

Looking around her shared room. " no I rather stay here to myself."

He grins from check to check.

"Okay then where is she?"

"She's in the shower." Stepping into the room drying off her neck. "What are you doing in here?" he points at her phone.

"Okay well give her as much space possible he said she isn't filling well."

Winking his eye at me as she wAlk on the other side of the bed. "Don't look okay I'm bout to put my clothes on." Smileing hard. " okay I will give her as much space as she needs. " he hangs up.

"What did they want?" Sliding her panties on slowly he try's so hard not to turn around "just wanted to see if you was okay an if I wanted to go with them or not" she walks around toward him.

"Help me with this please?" He stands up looking down at her unbutton bra. "Um okay just don't tell him I helped you like this or I was In here with you while you was dressing" she buttons up her shirt an faces him. " I just say I was in the shower the whole time." She smiles and walks toward the kitchen for a snack as she porceided to the kitchen. He toke his time and went back to his shared room. As the day grow shorter and time passed. The boys weren't returning to the hotel in time. With concur she picks up the phone before she could dial the number they go bursting into the door like a heard of cows. "Where have you all been I been setting here.." As he walks out his room hearing the nosie. " ah there back" smileing ear to ear.

"Yes I was just telling them all how much we was worried but them seems to me they do not care for are feelings." Staering at each one of them he grabs her hand and precedes out the door to the pool area. Passing the pool back and forth with fustaion in her Herat. Not knowing what to say he pushes her into the pool. With a loud scream she lands into the water. "You!" Looking down out the window at them with a smirk on his face. "Seems like they got close really quick since we was out plus she looks like she feels much better. Since...well you know." Turning around looking at him he just walks away into the next room. With nothing to say the next morning everyone toke seprate cars to the zoo Ming stayed at the hotel.

Later that day everyone was back at the hotel and enjoying themselves Marsha got a call "hello Jr."

Kem in the back ground interpreting everything Marsha says. Ming clams down off the bed an lays his head in Marasha's as

Chimni starts to talk louder about the food makeing moaning sounds the others just laugh "what is this shit?" Her head titles to the side as she beings to feed Ming some of her food" what do you mean Jr " giggling as Taim make funny faces. "Are you even listing one of those wiredos left a rude letter saying your in love with not only me but him too." Kem grabs the phone putting it on mute "what are you doing?" Marsha reacts "(what are you going to tell him?)" Ming cross his arm and close his eyes "(what is going on?)" Rin looks at the both of them as do the others "(there was a note left saying i love one of you silly and he is asking if i do or not?)" Ming acts casual chimni cross"s his arms "(i wish i thought of that.who wrote it?)" Rin throws some candy at him and they whisper to one another "(you have to say something)" looking up at her Ming joins the conversation marasha looks down at his glossed brown eyes and takes the phone from kem everyone stares at her with intsapaton " Jr.." As she being to speak he had already hung up. "(he hung up on me)" they all look at her Rin pats her on the head and goes to his hotel room as do the others. Ming lays there on her lap looking at her "(should I take a shower first)" shuring his shoulders he turned towards her waist wrapping his arms around her like a pillow turning the tv up throwing the remote "Ming (let me go please)" shacking his head he pushes her down on the floor nuzzling his face in her pussy "Ming" rubbing his hands up her shirt slowly. "Stop!" Looking up from her pussy he notice her heavy breathing Ming gets up on both of his legs and unbuttons his pants Ming Lois down with her legs closed shacking her head "(ming think about this.... i'm still married !)" sliding her panties off he grabs the back of her kneck an looks into her eyes unbutton her shirt "(i don't care I want you to be mine already)" pressing his lips onto hers Marshas body fell weak her arms warped around his kneck as he entered inside her slowly "(wait Ming wait)" hearing a knock on the door Ming covers her mouth slideing further in trying his best to get it all in this time Marsha moans a little louder feeling him get closer and closer "(just a minute who is it!?)" pausing for a second stimulating on her boobs Ming toke his shirt off an looks down at her "Rin an chimni (Rin an chimni we need to tell Marsha something)" pulling out Ming went to the bath room slamming the door Marsha lad on the floor for a minor second before putting a rob on to answer the door. "Rin chimni (you guys come in)" chimni looks her up and as they come in "(kem said there was a mix up with the room arguments you was meant to be with chimni not ming i was meant to be with ming)" nodding her head she knocks on the door an ask for her things Ming hurried and get out the bathroom "(where is she going)"chimni explains the situation to him Marsha comes out the bathroom seeing chimni with her things . "(going to be just like old times remember)" chimni nods his head an glances at her "(who is the guy you mention in your letter)" looking down at her feet Marsha mubbles "(it's actually two not one) he puts his hand on her shoulder she glances up "(can we just go to the room I have work to do.)" brushing his hand off her she counted to walk forward chimni puts his hands in his pockets taking the key out to unlock the door.throwing her bag on the bed he flops down into his bed an roles over Marsha takes out her computer an starts working until she fell asleep. Her phone goes off "hello" droll going down the side her face "when are you coming home your husband is going crazy with questions about you aging" turning over feeling a warm but soft siation agstin her back "mom I be back home how is everyone" chimni wraps his arm around her as he turns she pushs him trying to wake him up"they are doing fine why haven't you picked up his calls since you been in NEW Jersey or any of his Skype calls?" Chimni falls on the floor "well mom I been busy and half the time one of the guys have my phone so yeah" he gets up in frustration Marsha covers her face "do you wanna talk to him before you go back to sleep" chimni moves the covers from her face Marsha puts a finger to her lips looking him up and down "mom wait" chimni sets down on his side of the bed starring at her Marsha turns over "hey Jr" she spouts with a low tone "how have you been how's the trio going do you miss me" doggeding all his questions she presses her lips toghter an go silent " why did you leave me such a ridiculous note your such a silly woman I see you when you get back right" turning towards chimni "Jr I'm not comeing home" chimni looks at her blankly falling back on the bed "what why not I giving you so much and this is how you treat me rip my heart out no no this isn't happening lord this isn't happening why me why me always me! Your not going anywhere you here me I be damed i be damed!" Her hands shack at his words Marsha sets up in the bed walking toward chimni looking down at him "(are you okay)" he stands up and holds her in his arms feeling her shacking "(marsha you're shaking calm down it's going to be alright im right here)" chimni picks her up and lays her in the bed feeling her temperature he the. Grabs his phone and texts Rin "(help something is wrong with marsha)" chimni cleans up her side of the bed and puts a shirt on herring the others at the door"(I'm here what happened)" Kem asked. "(what did you do to her)" Goiu looks at him Taim lays in his bed "(why don't you sleep in your own room)" getting up Taim gose back in the room with jeun the others tend to Marsha.

Marsha turns over in her bed raping her arms around the closets thing near her opening her eyes slowly seeing chimni staering directly at her "(good morning my flower)" in a sleepy voice chimni roles over slowly Marsha still in shock from what he said he falls back to sleep with a big smile on his face. Her phone then goes off. she try's to turn over but someone was behind her griping onto her waist holding her tight "(please stay here for a few more minutes)" hearing that voice she realized who it was "Goui (what are you doing...)" his eyes open glaring at her kneck he releases her reaching for her phone "(here)" throwing it on the bed Goui porcessd back to his room wakeing kem. Turning her phone off she gathered her thoughts rushing her self to the bathroom "(I'm coming in)" with her music turned up loud she ignores him think to herself his probably upset about something aging. The door opens chimni lefts the toilet led and spreads his legs with sleep still in his eyes he pulls it out.the shower stops as dose the music as he finishes up chimni gives a big sneaky smile an pulls back the curtain Marsha scarms throwing her towel at him so he wouldn't see anything she pushes him out the bathroom slamming the door in his face.

Setting on the bed eating breakfast ming and Rin heard screams from down the hall"(who you think that could be)" getting up from the table Ming takes a bow garbing his bags setting them outside the door ,he then porcessd to wake the others kem and Goui who where already in the lobby with there bags in the car. Once Ming woke jeun and Taim Rin joined them on the elevator. "(come on we are going to get left)" pulling on his coat chimni bit down on his bottom lip gazing at her ass "(wait guys!)" waveing her hand in the air at Rin and the others she lets go of chimni in hope. They notice her running towards them Goui notices and rapidly press's the close button she stops looking at Ming and Goui cold gaze her smile turn sad her arm falls to the side of her chimni walks up behind her "(don't you remember anything you did last night after you got off the phone with your husband)" she shacks her head at him and walks up to the elevator pressing the button "(come on I will give you full details)" walking up to him as the elevator doors on he stops it the elevator med air crossing his arms"(you can't do that)" she beings to shack "(last night you started shaking in fear like a ghost walked through your soul. it wasn't normal last night you had a major seizure i had to call rin and kem an goui so they can calm you but that isn't all that happend....)" she calmed down listening to his words "(you told the people in that room last night that the person you love deeply is someone in BBT but you could never be with them because of your husband)" she titles her head in concern "(you said he killed someone and he wouldn't mind doing it again for you)" she looks at him as he starts the elovoter "(who all was in there last night and why aren't you afraid like they are)" he gives her a paper of all the names who was there last night an glares at her "(because i do anything for a member of the BBT once the guys realize that they will feel the same as i do ......kinda)" she titles her head wondering what he ment by kinda as the reach the lobby Ming looks at her pointing to her group she gets upset chimni holds her back "(shes are assistant still treat her as so and not like a stranger you all cared for her before why act indifferent when she is at her lowest)" Rin walks up to her take her hand she Snatchs away Taim looks around at everyone in confusion as do juen "(what's going on)" Taim nods "(yeah did we miss something)" Marsha shrugs her shoulders at the others "(i don't know they miss something you all know when im out like that i can't ....i can't and i need help when to remember but you all..)" she beings to cause a seen an falls to the floor in tears chimni backs away a little "Marsha" Goiu approachable from the far left corner falling to the ground "(please forgive us we ment no harm...)" she looks up grabing him into a hug they both burst out into tears toghter people flip there phones out ah and ooh "what a nice couple" one woman says "they look more like friends to me very close to who knows" Ming looks around at the big crowd and crouches down at them both "(you guys wrap it up you're creating a crowd we need to go before we are discovered)"they both look up at each other. Chimni picks Marsha up off the floor and helps Goui up people continue to take pictures in ah. in a rush they packed into one van. "(i will call the company before anything get started) kem takes your phone an shakes his head "it's okay we handle it" Marsha puts her hand down looking at them all. Her phone rings as they reach the concert hall "hello Jr I'm at work I won't be back home until late tonight" Goui and Taim looks back as the enter the makeup room Marsha waves her hand "Marsha we need to talk I now I did wrong in the past but I feel we need to talk" Marsha walks into the makeup room hand the girls there bags the boys goof off and get ready Marsha walk back out side and FaceTime Jr. "Yes what is it?" He looks at her "what did I do wrong to drive you to this point can we just go back to the way thing where please I don't know what to do anymore when your here you either at work or out of town or at one of there concerts your never home how do you except me to act Marsha I miss holding you an touching you feeling you on my arms at night....if things don't change then I don't know what to do." She looks back into the window at the boys who changed her life completely "I have to go" Jr roles his eyes "Marsha listen to me please come home today make an effort for something or things I say are you listening" one of the staff ask her a question "what Jr you being annoying I need to go tend to somethings here I see you when I get back home" she looks at the camera waveing "wait is that letter true or was it a joke do you love one of the guys " she looks at him "you know your the only guy in my life I'm just overly worked I must go " hanging very quickly Marsha goes into the makeup room the boys gather around her "(i have to leave early that was the husband....will do well out there send me lots of pictures)" chimni grabs her hand "(why didn't you tell him that you know...with you know)" they look at her "because you guys don't know what his cambule of doing to you if he finds out." She walks out the room they all look at kem he translated. Marsha walks down the hall towards the nearest exit with her bags in hand chimni and juen runs after her "(wait we had boss call him everything is good now please stay don't go)" dropping her bags she looks at them both bowing in gratitude. They smile an grab her arms as the staff help with her things.

Chimni turns on blive after the show. Marsha gather her things up for them to head to there next destion.

She looks at kem Moveing her finger in a circled motion to rap it up.

Chimni and Goui help her with things.

Fans gather in the back waiting to meet them an take pictures covering her face Marsha goes to the car before the boys. Looking down at her phone at the empty inbox breathing heavily "(here one of the fans told us to give you this.)" she looked at the letter an stuffed animal in Goui hand "(thank you can we go now )" feeling uneasy she pushed him out the way an throw up on the cuncert fans beging to gather outside "Goui." She mubbles falling back into the seat he truns around an see's the manager come his was and the guys as well. "(Care her to the nearest hospital we will be on are way)" watching his manger leave before them Goui rush over to Chimni and Ming whispering to them kem juen an Rin ,Taim just fallowed not knowing what was going on until they got into the stretch. "(She did look a little flushed before I went up on stage)" Taim breaks silence. "(I think we all should just go on to the next place with out her she just gets in the way)" Ming mumbles looking out the window everyone looks at him "(we all grown so close you two was the first to grow on each other it toke her a minute to feel comfortable with us inculdeing Rin and kem your so selfish. She's been nothing but naive an nice to you.)" Goiu holds his tongue as he remember his place among them all. "(She will be fine but just in case Ming should stay behind an tend to her)" kem grins to see how things unfulled an solved it self. Rin beging to speak kem clears his throt suggesting him to let them work it out like men. But they where acting more like baby's then young men with out Marsha there. Juen phone ring "(hello)' every one gets silent "(yes. Marsha we was...but..your where. Okay..bye)" taping the driver on his shoulder take us to the airport please. "(We can't just leave her here what's going on)" Goui looks him in his eyes "(she will tell you )"

I rather have you

Laying the papers on the table. She Garb her things and walk out the door with a note in hand She places it on the door taking a few step back marsha then looks back at the car with a few deep breaths she holds her head up high an shacks it off while walking toward the car in high sprit. The door opens and stood her boss and one of the guys in the car next to it. Marsha new at that moment what she was getting herself into once she packed her things that morning. Setting her bags down beside the car she takes in one last breath before leaving. goui got out rushing to her side "너는 모든 것을 얻었 느냐?(did you get everything)" nodding her head. He puts his arm on her shoulder leaning down to help her with her bags. Ming glares at her from the other vehicle so dose chimni licking his lips. Chimni dosent stay silent opening his door chargeing stright towards her chimni grabs the bag she starts to reach for there hands meet"(are you sure this is what you want)" she nods once more. they all go back to there given vehicles after her things was in the trunk an head to the airport.the boss gave her the details during the car ride on her new possations.The conversation to the dorm was simple and short Marsha barely paid attention to anyone other then Rin and Goui who sat by her the whole trip back to Korea. Before they arrived at the dorms kem taped on Marsha "me and Rin will prepare a room for you seeing as you haven't been here in awhile." Kem rasies a brow and sets back in his set Goui asks him "(what did you tell her)" Marsha countied to look out the window as they both chatter on and on gazeing through out the buildings and oceans until she fell asleep. Rin nudged her so she wake up grabing her arm pulling her into the new dorm chimni ignoring the others request to help with bags jeun and Taim brings things in while kem and Rin fix up a room for her.

"(did you leave him a note telling him everything.)" she nods looking up at Taim kindly he hands her some water "(im no longer in love with you. the tumbler page is mine. and every word an phrase on there i meant. these past few years was rushed i never got to expernce anything until i met BBT. i lied i am in love with anothur he treats me diffrent i feel more alive when im with him an the ones around him are sweet an goofy. we are both alike in so many ways then one.)" listening in on there conversation Ming and Goui walk in "(who is the other person?)" Taim looks back at her as Marsha fall into a gaze unwilling to answer the question she stares at her phone in silence."(I want to see your tumbler page)" she hands him her phone and looks at the other two members who was still waiting for a reply. Rin an kem came down stairs " (Your room is ready)" she nods her head looking at Goui and chimni. "(well are you going to tell us or not)" Ming and the others focus on Marsha with anticipation. Get inpatient Goui gose upstairs as every annoy Marsha with questions he new where it was headed. Looking at Goui leavening the room she yelled at them "(i been through can i just....not be lectured as well)" leaveing her phone with the guys she storms up the stairs trying to calm down but it keep serming up. Goui stops her before she enters her room"(wanna play a game latter)" shaking her head Marsha flips her sing on her door an slams the door in hopes everyone hears it.

Ming snatches her phone from Taim looking through the depressing things on her tumbler brushing his hand across his face ."(what should we do)" leaning on the Rail Goui reply "(nothing she doesn't want to be bothered)". He Walks down the stairs toward the Kitchen "(how you know)" With an eye brow raised taim replays. Goui Lifts up his head from the fridge "(she rejected my invitation to play a game later. then shut the door in my face.)" chimni got irritated and walked out side for a moment . Rin went upstairs and knocked on the door as the others stayed down stares." (she loves playing games with me. something's wrong)" Goiu shacks his head in a sigh Motion putting the milk back in the fridge. Rin got agitated and opened the door with a loud scream Marsha covers her self fast , Rin closed the door back walking down stairs in a hurry "(?We need rules now that a woman is in the dorm.)" with his face flustered and red the guys looked at him in Curiosity. Comeing down the stress red faced and agitated she storms out the door with sweat pants and a t-shrit on slamming the door behind her Marsha looks up at the sky taking a breath until she heard something in the distance"Hey!" Looking sharply seeing chimni running towards her "(what is it?)" as he stops at the foot steps bout out of breath he grabs her hand and tugs on her "(come with me.)" with her heart pounding an heart racing she Snatchs away from his grip , begins to walk the other way ignoring him. Goui runs out the house an follows behind her trying to catch up to her. putting his hands in his pocket chimni watch from the distance the two of them walk farther away until they were nothing but a tiny ant. chimni brushs his hair back with a little smile on his face. walks back into the dorms an slumps onto the couch with disappointment writien across his face. Rin looks at him from the kitchen "(is she okay)" putting a pot on the stove. Ming stares at him,as well with Curiosity written on his face. Taim and jeun listen in as they flip through the channels on the tv. chimni nods his getting up from the couch.

Huffing and puffing down the street "Marsha!" She kept walking with out turning around Goui finally catches up to her "(please calm down. it's hard on all of us but it's even harder if you don't tell us....)" he pauses for a second an press's his finger on her forehead "(what's going on up there)" she smiles. he pulls her into his arms holding her tight"(I don't wanna run from the person I love no more and Rin saw me naked)" letting her go he gave her phone back looking down at the messages she begging to look around she looks back at the messages being sent to her,her hand begging to shack Goui snatched the phone out her hand "(let's go home it's not safe for you to be out today..)" pulling on her arm he called kem telling him everything as they turn the corner "look out" Goui runs into kem head frist Marsha looks over them with a smile on her face giving them both a hand up. Kem looks at her with a smile on his face he walks up to her calmly "how light are you?" She turns her head toward Goui who shrugs his shoulders "why do you ask" immediately kem picks her up by her legs giving Goui the grocery bags "(what's going on kem)" she starts hitting him across his back "shh" they both run towards the dorm to worn the others. Opening the door Ming looks back from the kitchen as do Rin.kem still carrying Marsha on his shoulder he drops her on top of jeun who was on the couch " (hey jeun Taim) they both looked at kem who was passing her phone around with unknown messages flying in.chimni comes out the room once he hear the front door close "(marsha we need to talk...what's going on)" they showed him the messages on her phone his eyes got wide when rin showed him . She Toke her phone away from him "(what's going on why am I being attcked )" Ming walks over to her an rubs her back. "(We will figure this out as a family and a group.)" folding his arms he glares at marsaha and Ming not carriage for the sistuoin at hand but his relationship with her instead. everyone jumps as kems phone being to ring picking up"(hello)" Marsha begings to translate."(hello no she is fine sir we are trying to figure out what to do right know)" everyone looks at Marsha as she translates the call" (I'm so sorry to here about the divorce as well she told us not to long ago. If she comes by the company she will get attcked even more by half are fans for false information yes'sir)." Kem ends the conversation. Feeling uneasy Marsha stops talking . Jeun pushs her out his lap. they all look at one another. "(for now on marsha leave the dorm early in the morning with chimni an rin) she bows her head an gets up an goes to her room more depress then before.

The boys look at one another (what are we to do now that she's in danger)" Ming looks at her phone "(What's tomorrow)" Goui looks at the calendar "(valentine's day,why what do you have in mind?)" the next day She woke up blurry eyed but this morning was different and new like someone warm and tender was sleeping next to me when she turned over there he was chimni the sun shining brightly on his skin setting up to get a good look "(did he change his hair color again)" moving his hair out his face she laid on his chest for a minor second an realize he wasn't in here when she went to sleep last night. Turning over slowly to find Goui next to her in the white-t she got him for Christmas "(WHAT ARE YOU DOING INHERE)" they both turn over yawning .she looks at her clock noticing the time pushing Goui out the bed chimni grabs on to her shirt looking up "(where are you going)" Goiu gets up an looks at her being tugged by chimni "(how did you get in here)" they both point at eachother marsha sneek out the room as they both began to fuss with one another. Backing up farther an farther her rear end rubs up on something hard and bumpy slowly looking up "hi Rin" he looks down at her she turns around "(why are they in your room)" she shrugs her shoulders looking at him with an innocent face trying to explain to him how she just woke up an they was both laying beside her Rin blinks his eyes over an over patting her on the head feeling a bit of relif Marsha walks downstairs struggling to put her rob on. "(good morning everyone)" bow to kem,Taim ,Ming,jeun who was enjoying Bearkfast already. They all look at her with mischievous writen on there faces "ook" scuffing her feet across the floor Marsha grabs the frist thing in the fridge. The boys begging to snicker and laugh . "(what are you all hiding)" Ming looks over with the biggest grin on his face shrugging his shoulders. Goui and chimni storms down stairs with clean clothes on Marsha gathers herself on to the couch with her work "(good morning everyone have you seen Marsha)" they shack there heads Ming glances at the couch. Seeing her focused with work he noticed a grim look come over her face. With a high smirk an whispers to everyone. Rin comes down stairs greeting everyone including Marsha she then gets up with her head down toward her feet "(chimni rin when your ready to go to work let me know i be waiting in my room.)" walking past everyone in a hurry.

Chimni looks at Ming with frustration "(I don't think your plan is working at all)" Goui leans over the counter nodding his head "(she woke up with high spirits know there being torn down more)" putting his chopsticks down "(do you want to know who she cares for or not all of us love her she means a great deal to us all do she not lets just follow through with the plan an see who she go to first)" Rin looks at Ming as do jeun. "(we already know she's going to go goui or rin to talk to your the last person she every talk to ming.)" chimni spouts looking down at his water Ming rubs his face a couple times "(then let's try something else)" they all huddle up. Rin knocked on her door "Marsha" she whipped her tears fixing her makeup an opened the door " go go go" putting on a smile Rin an chimni left for work before the others "(oh wait before you guys go to practice i got you guys something its from us the staff hand them out to the guys i wrote one to each of you so did the staff. okay have a good day.)" she bow as she gose to the break room before work for a small nap.

A group of girls come in talking loudly then they notice Marsha at the back."it is to bad about the divorce didn't you hear about one of the staff members having an affair with one of the BBT members" the other girls "ah" at the rumor Marsha covers her head when she hears them go on "oh yeah I mean I don't see how when they're assistant is always on there ass everyday all year unless..." One of the girls stops her pointing . Marsha stands behind the girl "(please countie i'm listening or am i not apart of your group anymore since i'm divorced)" they all get quite watching as she leave the break room with her purse stomping off in anger. She Slams the door

An walks to her office holding on to her things tightly. With a slight turn of the door knob chimni comes into her office seeing her banging her head on the desk "(My flower are you okay)" chimni sets beside her putting his hand on her back. She looks over at him "(Is that what you guys are childish)" with a warm smile. chimni hands her some chocolates she sets up and smiles "thank you" he gets up and goes back to practice. Goui comes in watching her as she stacks paper he clears his throat"oh Goui" he smiles big nodding his head giving her his bunny smile showing off his big eyes Marsha leans agisnt her desk feeling the little kid inside her hopping with joy "(I was wondering when you was going to confess to me but seems i have to confess to you here i got you these)" giving her flowers Marsha Smiles at him as he sets them down on her desk "thank you Goui " he bows and lives to practice "wait" running behind him "(i'm coming with you i have a new boss ask me to watch over you today)" she tugs on his shirt glancing down at her Goui gives her a smile.

Kem and Ming leaning agisnt the wall watching them walk towards the stairs listening to there conversation "(do you think he's the one? they do seem close)" Kem looks at Ming with questionable eyes Ming clinches on to his gift and walks towards her office placeing it on her desk kem waits for him feeling shocked by his actions He turns the corner with a cold look on his face "Ming" he turns around "(aren't you going to go practice to?)" Kem looks at him "(we have to finish up in the studio i will practice later)" Kem follows him towards the studio finding Rin and Taim in there vloging walking in they set down quietly as they rap up.

Taim leaves looking at them both so dose Rin with nothing to say.

entering the practice room Goui and chimni already warming up Marsha stands with the staff just in case the boys need somethings she looks over at the nearest staff member and mubbles in Korean "( make sure I'm busy all day)" thinking in the back of her mind "thanks chimni for the tip".

"(Okay have a nice time then bye)" she goes back to the makeup room and cleans up turning out all the lights. Marsha then head back to her office turning the light on "(Flower are you ready to go home)" she looks up at chimni seeing Goui and Taim,Ming,Rin,juen,kem holding bags in there hands she begging to toss her shoes off looking at them all "(I still have work to do before i come home guys sorry)" juen stands up her eyes gets wide at how clear her desk was. Goui handed his bag to chimni walking up to her slowly "Goui(I'm so tired goui)" feeling dizzy an dehitrted Marsha falls into his arms Goui looks at the guys in shock "(what did you do)" chimni looks down at her expressionless face kem calls a car as Ming and juen leave getting home before the others Rin pulls Taim and chimni along to put things in the car so they can hurry and get Marsha home.

Trying set up marsaha slowly opens her eyes "guys" she mubbles Goui comes into the room "(she's awake!)" chimni rushs in as dose Rin marasha pushs them out the way rushing toward the bathroom. "(Are you okay)" juen rushs upstairs the guys wave there hands he looks in the bathroom at the sit of her drench over the toilet. "(Don't come in here)" her face puffy an flushed round dark circles from juen picks her up and Carry her back to the bed. "(I will watch her until she feels better )" Ming looks in on everyone "(what's going..)" seeing Marsha in a ill state he asked everyone to leave the room Marsha trys to keep her eyes open but everything gose fussy once Ming puts the cold rage on her forehead her eyes close. Thinking to her slef maybe I'll get a little sleep.

"Jr remember the first time we meet" he nods his head."it was online an in person you meet me at the hotel with your little brother" smiling from ear to ear Marsha flips the page in the book. "Are you happy?" Looking over are shoulder at kems shadow hovering over her she jumps for a slight second heistin to respond "I have happy moments when I'm with him but I can't quite say I'm happy kem you know this"(why do you keep going back then) " Goui and Taim shadow creep beside him she looks at the way they both glance at him Marsha trys to shack it off and gose back to her book ignoreing it an her sourding "(are you dodging the question lower )" juen and Rin face being to appear in her book she stands up fast closeing her eyes "marsaha (Marsha Marsha Marsha)" even with her eyes closed she still sees chimni and Ming calling for her "babe are you okay you don't look so good" screaming she opens her eyes and sets up fast. The boys rush in all at once "(are you okay)" they all say stubmleing over her words Taim grabs her hand to calm her "(hush flower its okay you was hallucinating that's all)" smileing in relief chimni stears at her watcheing as everyone leaves chimni walks up to her. Grabing the rage whiping her face "(stay with me tonight) " she truns over feeling his arm warp around her wast. "Goodnight"

Taping on his shoulder chimni wakes Taim so they both can get ready for there next concert before they left the house the guys looked in on Marsha one last time livening a note on her door. Rin tugged on everyone asking them to hurry up.

(Note reads)

"We will be back in 3 days it isn't the same with out you there,feel better chimni and juen keep losing things including kem I also miss your cooking yesterday Ming made something with carrots and ham.


"Goui doesn't play games better then you these last few days has made me realize how much you grown on us all an how much you grown on all of us please feel better.~Taim "

"Stop getting sick. ~Ming"

"I broke it aging an I didn't need help fixing it witch is the cool thing that is why I'm telling you. We will bring you back something nice. ~kem"

"I can't cuddle you if your sick. I can't tickle you if your sick. I can't eat your food if your sick. ~Goui "

"I guess it's my turn flower yesterday we was trying to cheer you up seeing as it was v-day but it failed you already know the plan we was going to try an figure out who you fell in love with but Goui was standing at the door listening to me tell you the plans....oh well I want you to get better so we all can just be happy toghter okay I....~chimni "

Marsha grab her pillow from her room an went into chimni room laying on his sheets and hugging his pillow for the first night cooked Rin favorite meal the next morning an eat juen favorite snack at lunch time she played and watched Goui favorites until she fell asleep in front of the tv an gave people Mings mean glare toward those viscous woman in the break room worked hard like kem an stayed humble an wise like Taim for the next three days she toke naps an slept in chimni and Goui room living the others room door open or closed depending on the person. Makeing her way downstairs Marsha looks into the fridge feeling more alone then before her divorce. Hearing a tap on the door she truns around and sees Goui, Taim,kem,chimni,juen,Ming and Rin comeing in seting there things down marsaha eyes water up jumping up and down in joy she walks up to them "(go ahead check my temperature)" they all look at each other with smiles on there face Taim grabs her hand an pulls her in everyone hugs her "(why didn't you call us or let us know you was better)" bombarded with question Marsha smiles feeling happy "(why are you smiling so much)" Ming spouts "( because I missed you all and I found out who the attkecrs are while you was gone)" they all look at eachother "( umm)" ming slaps a news paper in front of her an her old work place magazine "(what's this)" holding it up slowly she looks over at chimni as dose the group juen try's to make something positive out of it "( she looks really young. I mean it's probably false like the Bbt rumors about you marasha)" everyone looks at in" Ah" "(what rumors?)" Taim leans agstin the counter "(you know the one about her divorce and us an there's a few about her takeing time off an some about her having an affair an careing one of are love child)" Rin looks at Ming "(how do you know these things )" marsaha shakes her head in anger trying hard not to show it "( you guys should put your things away)" juen hands her mail from her old home "( he asked about you today he wanted to know if you was happy here if you had any regrets)" shacking her head Marsha gets things started in the kitchen "(why dose are rooms smell like you)" starltted she truns around at there loud voices "(I missed you guys)" Marsha finals off dinner an begings opening her mail her smile leaves her gourgues face looking over the letter carefully [note reads]

"(I hope I'm addressing this to the right person. If not just send it back.

Anyway I am very huge fan of BBT I recently heard all the rumors circling around South Korea about you I have a few questions....what makes you think any of them care about you? Hehe an if they do do you really think you have the standers to love them the way there fans do? Heheh. Pathic woman )"

With no signertuer of no kind Marsha balls up the letter an throws it on the table opening up the rest of her mail. Juen an Goui come up behind her startled Marsha truns towards them with a big smile an a full heart "(here I meant to give you this earlier)" handing her a brown package that reads unfilled information at the top in bold letters. Se look up at him "(you both must be hungry I made dinner)" the turn to the counters full of food. Slowly opening the package she then thought to herslef "what if it's a trick an one of the guys wants to know how I feel or who I love or wanna be with." Grabing all her work from the office Goui and juen look up from there plate "(are you not going to eat!)" she shacks her head "(EVERYONE FOODS READY!)" closeing the door to her room "(umm hi)" she let out a slight scream. "(Sorry if I startled you)" Chimni gose back to sleep as she lays her things down piling back the paper softly peeking into the package once she opened it she pulled out singed forms and documents of her divorce unsigned work from her recent job she beggings to cry a little noticing a note {when you get this call this number} there was no name just like before turning towards chimni who was glareing at her "(wh..what)" takeing the papers out her hand "(lay with me I can't sleep with you sighing like that)" she removes her socks an tie up her braids he raps his hands around her rubbing her back softly "chimni (have you been trying to tell me something)" griping her tight he roles over with her on top of him spreading his legs he puts his arms behind his head relaxing with his eyes closed feeling her watching him "(are you ever going to tell us who you love I mean you can't keep bonceing back between us all flower)" she rap her arms around him laying her head on his chest "(I know I think I will tell that person when the time is right)" she smiles warmly hearing the beat of his heart race he places his hands on her bottom rubbing it softly "marsha" grip him feeling him rise Marsha gets hot he sets up fast Moveing her off of him "( we can't okay I have to control myself but the things you say or do make me crazy let me....ugh)" laying down she lefts her shirt up slightly "(no Marsha if we are going to do this we have to do this right.)" seeing sirouseness in his eyes"(okay what do you want from me to do)" pushing back slowly he kiss her,her body felt light for a few seconds "( I want you to stop holding back from me)" he licks an sucks on her kneck rubbing her body soft an tenderly he press his lips agsint her chest she let out a moan "shh"(calm yourself flower I'm just kissing your chest)" she looks him "(yes I know but it's the way your doing it chimni it feels so different)" rubs his face in between her bussum pressing them toghter Marsha trys hard to hold back "(are you sure I'm the one I want to know this from your lips who is it you love)" her eyes open up wide getting turned off witch doesn't happen often "(Marsha what's wrong)" pulling her shirt down "(your right we should do this the right way)" pulling away from her "(where are you going)" turning around "(to jack off you seem to still be holding back if Ming wasn't the one then what makes you think I am or your husband or anyone Marsha you don't have to tell us who you want to be with including me but at least open your heart to me a little bit more you tell Goui an juen more shit then anyone the others are starting to think you are in love or fallen or been in love with one of us just shut down these dam rumor...)" before he could go on she sprung out the bed into his arms "(okay just stay for a while I tell you everything)" Goiu opens her door to chimni and her nuzzled in eachother a arms looking over there body's he sees a pice of paper on the floor that read {he dosent want you he loves me} nudgeing Marsha "(yes what is it?)" he puts the paper in her lap "(that's one of your fans well some of them been writing me since you guys ancient me as apart of you oh an then there's this)" pulling out a magazine of pictures an snap shoots of the boys an her "( I think there leaking this information to someone. She slowly moves chimni hand from her waste "(why haven't you told kem or Ming)" rubing her arm shed looks at the floor "(because I don't won't them to be upset with one fan or a few because I complained about a few words I just wanna handle this myself you all done enough already)" hearing her words Goui drags her down Stiars "(kem Rin Ming)" they all turn looking at him slang Marsha towards kem "(here look at this. She has more in her room in a box...)" chimni walks down the stairs with a box in hands "(are these what your talking about)" Ming walks up to him reaching his hands into the box "(these are all from are fans. Have you read them?)" shacking her head "( I only read one or two they both was so horrible)" setting the box down Marsha makes some coffee watching them from afar with Taim an juen as they opens them all "(there all negative an rude flower when was you)" chimni ittrupts Ming for a sec"( this is the one I gave you during blive that night)" she nods feeling disappointment linger off them all. "(Well I'm sorry I will do better at my job.)" Taim pats her head an laughs "(we are not disapponed in you flower babe we are disappointed you didn't tell us)" Rin looks at juen grabing his phone he truns on blive "( annyogasyoe )" they porcoed to talk as the others gather in keticn trying to understand why someone would ever do such a thing."( mybe we should all go on blive an say what we need to say about these rumors an just to put them to rest)" Marsha looks at Taim an shaks her head as dose chimni raping his arms around her jeun looks over head an takes a picture of them "(what are you doing jeun?)" he gose to his room sleepy eyed grabing some clothes slamming the door to the bathroom. Ming phone begings to go off the Taim then Rin,chimni,Goui,kem they all look at me. "(I never wanted this to happen he just aoutmatclly toke the picture)." Running up stairs she beggings to go over what she should do next. "(Flower baby this type of thing happens lets just try an stay calm ok love)" he grabs her hand looking into her eyes "(chimni we will be okay right)" grabs the back of her kneck embracing her gourgues face Goui opens the door "(Marsha I Brung...)" they stop glancing at Goui "( you have nothing in your eye I'm very sorry for just barging in to)" bowing to them both he lives the room Goui stands there looking at her "(so is it him Marsha)" setting the try down slowly Goui truns the sign on her door to do not disturb "(Goui you have to understand )" he set down on the floor turning the tv on handing her some water "(I understud when you kept comeing to me Rin an jeun for advice I noticed how poor your taste is") he says jokingly she throws a pillow at him they laugh an goof around "(Marsha I need to tell you something)" pausing the movie "(I know who you really are I read your file last year I also know why you was really hired here me an kem both)" her eyes get wide at his words. "(What are you talking about Goui)" getting up he grabs something out his jacket pocket handing it to her"( open it )" looking him in the eye she nervously opens the letter reading it carefully "(Goui this is a letter from wait how long you said you had this)" looking at the time "(since last year.why did you change your name)" she gets silent "(Goui you must understand I was in a dark place then I feel it's not over though)" he looks at her confused. "(Don't tell no one about this you or kem)" smirking at her"( back to that )" chimni comes in "( what are you guys talking about)" holding his body pillow the three of them lay back an fall asleep forgetting the hole conversation.

The next morning marsaha felt something rubing giant her leg slideing up her thigh looking up at chimni his eyes closed. Goui's arm still raped around her she whispers to him "(chimni move your hand)" opening his eyes smirking sly like he lightly slides his hand up keeping his gaze on her "( oh I'm sorry flower)" squeezing her leg softly wakeing up Goui "( uhum good morning guys)" rubbing his eyes turning over chimni whispers "(I know it's me why drag it on)" pulling her closer to him before he could take it any farther kem knocks on the door getting up like lighting marsaha opens the door "(yes)" looking around "( I need to speak to chimni for a second it that's okay)" Goui sets up an chimni grabs a pillow covering his self walking past him glancing at Marsha Goui turns over feeling a pillow hit his head "(hey, ika..I mean Marsha why do everyone call you flower?)" her eyes softn "( don't you guys remember the fans came up with it jimin ask them what you all should call me other then my name)" feeling tired an exshated they both cuddled before bearkfast. (I'll met you downstairs)" closing the door slighitly goui stands there for a few seconds smileing from ear to ear. "(yes I received a letter yesterday there was a number telling me to call-)" packing the room she pulls out the rest of the information in the package "(ecscuss me miss I just opend the rest of the mail I get the jesuit of it)" Goui walks down stairs with curiosity writtien on his face ming puts his things down as dose taim knocking on the door "marsha we..)" looking at them both "(I'm not hungery can I ride with you guys to work though instead)" shocked they both looked at eachpther an just agreed.

The secert

Frustrated an mad from the other night Marsha still try's to stack the papers an concentrate on work but Chimini and the boys come into mind feeling herself faint into another world she beings to smack herself over an over as if there was a fly on her face "focus Marsha focus dammmit!!!!" Jeun comes into her office tapping her shoulder "( uh marsaha I feel that you should give me a...)' her hand swings up softly cutting him off "(last week well maybe you guys should had knocked before entering....I mean nothing happened )" Marsha bites her bottom lip softly nervous, shocked by her action's Jeun pushed it further trying to get any type of explanation or story of why Taim an Goui was so secretive "(but you looked...?)" Playing with her mind to revile what happened that day Marsha look's over her glasses fiercely hoping he would drop the conversation JEUN slapping his hands on the table like thunder an fire looking into each other's eyes KEM's presence in the room had him at a stand still "this conversation isn't over flower" walking out her office in anger "Marsha here's the list of mission for the next trip an tickets the boss also wants to see you about the last trip he said you haven't turned in the paper work or something."(KEM looked back at the door "what was that all about?)" watching her pick up a few of her things she grabs his arm an headed down the hall "(Walk with me lets talk) " Marsha's words smooth an calm like a hummingbird "(Something happened last week an I'm not ready for all of you to know about that part of my life just yet so I need a favor)" KEM cross his arm's giving her his full attention ,"(I'm listening .)" looking into her eyes building up all her confidence Marsha blurts it out "(keep them away from my office just for today)" his eyes grow wide but he wasn't so surprised "(now I like to know what happened that day the guys did look in shock but just thought you went off on them or something)" Marsha clutch's her things in her hands an walks away toward her boss's office. KEM stud there scratching his head think of ways to keep them all away from her for one whole day. Looking over the work she has done for the past few week's papers fully focused on flipping to the next page her heels hitting the hall floor with each step she takes a brisk nudge pushes her hand papers fly into the air her mind begging's to fall more an more to events of last week. "(Hey Hey)" without notice who or what bumped her. Marsha shook it off picking one by one papers up off the ground shoes move in front of her "(HEY you should watch where you going!!" still picking up papers she stands up slowly to see the perpetrator that was in front of her moving her curly thick locks out her face noticing who it was "(Flower calm down where is the fire)" ignoring him CHIMINI pulls her back towards him "(I can't go on like this we work in the same fecality when will you return my love flower)" he rubs his hand across her face softly holding the papers close to her chest "Chimini" her heart ponds fast looking into his eyes "(I have to go ch-chimni)" not letting go of his grip "(no I will never let you go. Oh before i forget RIN wanted me to give you this.)" He slides it in her planner looking into her eyes her heart beat faster an faster "(i see you back at home)" walking into the boss's office feeling like butterfly's have landed onto her heart moments of last week kept sparking an reflecting in her mind.


/last month/

Marsha covers her self as quickly as possible looking at Ming an Taim gawking at her Goui walks in looking her up an down "( well close the door)" throwing one of her pillows at the foot of the boys, They look at one another in amazement "(it's just our imagination )" both Ming an Taim say to each other they both walk back downstairs Rin looks at them both where is Marsha an Goui "( they will be down in a second)" both there face turn pink not able to steer at one another they both felt embarrassed "okay let's go" they turn around looking at her but this time in a different light then before "(flower your okay)" pinching Taim a nervous laugh comes over her . "(there was never anything wrong with me tai tai sweaty)" he cries out feeling the sting of the pinch Ming an Goui shut up. Feeling her cold gaze looking at through them ,shiver's role down there spine."(s-shall we go )" Rin places his arm around her smiling at them.

Goui just as shocked but happy inside to learn something new not able to take his eyes off her the whole ride he couldn't help but feel as if they shouldn't have seen it.

Reverting his eyes back to the task at hand Marsha looks at Rin's tablet going over the secluded for the next few months showing him were an what he will be doing for his solo performance.

Shaking her head rapidly Marsha counties down the hallway towards her boss office mumbling to herself "why am I thinking about last month right now there are other things at hand." Chimni watch's her from the far-off corner as dose Ming. "(what's going on with her?)" startled Chimini looks behind him clutching his shirt "(what happened last month between you a flower Ming)" with no warning Chimini grabs his shirt an press MING's body up against the wall"(no me and Taim just walked in while she was getting dressed is all nothing really happened.)" giving him a gummy smile Ming lied through his teeth, Chimni slings him to the floor "(stop playing with her heart)" looking up at him "(isn't that what your doing?)" clenching his fist Chimni walks away in anger.


"here you go." She placed the papers on her boss's desk she gives a bow excusing her self "(how is it going?)" she stops hearing his words "(the boys are great I enjoy working with them, sir)" Kem opens the door glancing at Marsha for a moment "hey " She gives him a smile an leaves "(wait miss..)" her boss looks at Kem "(is there something you need.)" taking a set he places some papers in front of him "(There's something you need to see boss)" looking away from the door his eyes turn.

Taking a deep breath Marsha looks forward as the elevator doors open Juen an Ming walks out noticing the both of'em talking amongst there self "(we should ask Taim to come along.)" Juen nodding at his request as he walks out "(Hey Marsha see you at practice latter.)" the doors close slowly Chimini runs inside before they shut completely Marsha could feel the tension between Ming an Chimini "(hey flower)" Chimini gives her a wink Marsha blushes an heart beat fast just standing beside him, Chimni bites his bottom lip as he look into her eyes "(so how is your day going Marsha?)" Ming glances over at her "(o-okay it could be better.)" it gets quite in the elevator as the three of them wait for the doors to open "(why don't you take the day off an go home we really miss you things just haven't been the same since you left.") Ming looks at her with a big gummy smile shrugging his shoulders the doors open they all got off Chimini pulls her to the side "(look into my eyes an tell me the truth.)" her heart beings to pounding looking at him "(I-I can't Chimini.)" letting her go "(but i can tell you there's nothing going on honest)" smiling big Chimini puts his hands in his pocket "(what are you doing?)" Marsha's body pressed up against his Chimini rubs her backside softly "(Goui asked me to give this to you.)sliding his hand down her pocket placing a latter inside he squeezes tight leaning up an whispers in her ear "(calm yourself my flower its not happening right now I promise you that I haven't forgotten.)" surprised Marsha watches him walk away, smirking he brush his hair back. Shacking her head she takes the note out her back pocket "(I'm waiting on you.)" throwing the note in the trash Marsha storms off toward her office "(Goui please get out of my set an go to practice)" placing a present on top of her desk. "(your not coming)" shaking her head Goui gets up "(thank you Goui.)" he looks at her confused "(it's from a fan they said they wish they was you )" smiling a little he leans against her desk watching her set down an type on her computer "(oh how nice of them)" placing his hands in his pocket "(open it so I can leave )" shocked at his words an tone of his voice she unwraps it "(I hear ticking I think its a clock)" she opens it an sees a clock shaped like heart "(oh how cute.)" Smiling from ear to ear ,Juen comes in looking over her desk "(I came to give you are seclude for next year it just changed )" her smile changed once she glanced at it "(oh I see you have a fan cam as well)" her eyes get wide "(A what!)" Goui puts his finger over his month "(a fan cam yours is live an a cute clock.)" placing it on her desk she looks at them both "(well go to practice I will be here)" looking at her before they left they toke one last look at the fan cam closing the door behind them "(is it me or dose something seem off about that clock.)" Goui commented. Juen place his hand around Goui shoulder. when they entered the practice room Chimini an Ming was giving each other unwanted looks "(is everything okay)" Kem an Rin look at them "(yeah)" they both say.

The cameras started rolling the boys begin to play the (B'live) game segment. Marsha came into the practice room closing the door looking at them all having a time of there lives feeling more tension between Chimini and Ming then there was in the elevator her heart couldn't take this torture looking at them clash like lions Marsha asked the staff to end things early "(They have to prepare for the nomination next week an there concert tomorrow)" Marsha looked over the plans for tomorrow placing her hand inside her pocket she felt the note from earlier "(I will be right back make sure those two don't fight. )" She whisper to Kem. Pulling the letter out her pocket

"(Rin is cooking undo I know it's your favorite and fried dumplings Taim keeps leaving his things everywhere and Goui doesn't go to sleep unless he's in my room and Ming and Chimini have been arguing every since you left please I beg of you from the goddess MIA please come back whatever they have done I will make sure they atone for.


She looks into the practice room words being to fly between Chimini an Ming. Taim taps on the door "(You better get in hear fast.)" Walking into the room Marsha cross's her arm's Taim relax his arm on her shoulder "(why are they arguing an what for?)" He leans in and whispers to her "(Over a woman they both know)" She stud there listing to them both go at it. "(I know everything! You passive jerk!)" Ming gave him an evil grin standing across the room shrugging his shoulders with a smug but unbothered look across his face. "(so what!)" Chimini yelled being held back by Goui and Kem "(HEY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!)" Everyone stops Taim crossed his arm's nodding "(well...we was just...)" Marsha looks over at Rin "(your the oldest why didn't you break it up?)" her hands placed upon her hips Rin's face turns a harsh red "(well I..)" Speechless Marsha walks over toward Ming grabbing his wrist dragging him towards Chimini.

Kem smiles big making his way towards the others "(She has come far don't you guys think)" chuckling under his breath. "(I know you both been arguing at home so tell me right now what is going on?)" They couldn't look her in the eye Ming spoke up. "( Chimini a the others have been wondering what me and Goui an Taim saw that day or even said to you.)" She chimini a soft glance. "(oh well, that...They just saw me naked is all...)" Ming goes along with her lie as do the others. Juen looks at Kem "(Do you think she can get fired for scolding them?)" shaking his head. Kem whispers back "(We are the ones who can fire her she is are assistant anyway the boss gave us that power when he gave her that title)" Marsha looks over at Juen "(come here )" his eyes got wide pointed at his self "(yes you)" Walking over slowly he didn't know what to expect seeing everything go down between Ming and Chimini. "(I need you to take them home for me thanks for the letter.)" nodding his head rapidly "(I know you sent it through Chimini you don't have to sign Kem's name next time just put yours okay.)" Amazed Juen nods "(okay guys lets go)" Chimini and Ming mumbled under there breath.

Rin stopped her before she walked out "(Are you coming home tonight the guys...)" stopping him before he said anything else "(Of Crouse I am Rin I can't let the guys destroy the house you cook all the meals look I'm sorry for earlier as well lets do better okay)" she gave him a warm-hearted smile an walked away towards her office where he was waiting for her. "(Marsha did you miss me?)" The room turns into an ice box her hands tremble Marsha takes a step back from her office Jr. takes her wrist twisting it "Where do you think you are going?" Screams leave her mouth tears flow from her eyes "If you don't let me go I will scream louder do you hear me!" He slings her to the ground hovering over her body like she was nothing but a pace of meat to be slaughtered "Go ahead." Just as he was about to hit her she heard footsteps outside her offices getting closer an closer. "HELP ME!" Jr. leans in cuffing her neck in his hands choking her, Marsha hears the footsteps getting closer an closer "Marsha(we are)" Her eyes begin to close hearing only a soft sweet voice. And someone whispering "(I got you)" lifting her body into there arms.

Feeling light headed Marsha looks around the room coughing "(guy's)" stumbling as she got up.

Making her way downstairs. "(Marsha your up.)" Goui ran up to her helping her to the couch. "(thank you)" They all looked at the ring around her neck and wrist "(don't think me I didn't save you it was Chimini and Juen who heard you yelling )" Her heart skipped a beat as her and Chimini locked eyes "(thank you both)" Rin placed some food in front of her "(eat but slowly)" taking slow sips the burning sensation rolled down her throat like hot iron not able to keep it down Marsha coughed an hard. Taim pats her back comforting her. "(what happened?)" Kem looked at them both. "(we were going to go tell her we were ready like you asked and we heard screams )" Juen flipped through the tv "(I didn't think he was in the building I had just got back in my office he throw me to the ground an choked me out of the blue just seeing him was startling )" Ming looked her over. Chimini banged his hand against the table "

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