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Black and White Abstract Texture


Addicted To You!


chapter one

Looking over her phone she sees something strange but unusually different about her phone ^SARG IS THERE A NEW INSTALLMENT I DON'T KNOW ABOUT ^ she hears crashing down the stairs as if glass broke ^WHAT HONEY!^ ignoring him monaca downloads the new installment with no worries placing her pictures an art across the wall her phone goes off once again ^justin: let's meet up later @10 my place maybe ^ her heart races 100miles blushing looking at her phone ^BABY IM GOING TO BE LATE GETTING HOME TOMORROW!^ smiling at her phone ^monaca: what should I wear? ^ her lips pressed tight forgetting about the ring on her finger or the promises he made monaca closed her office door An slide her ring off ^hey baby ^ her heart jumped an leaped hearing his voice roaring in her ear Soft an sweet she moaned a little holding back all the things she wish to say to him in person ^i'm sorry baby I didn't mean to^ hearing his words made her weak ^monaca I want you to wear the lace underwear in the Christmas picture you sent me An the bright blue dress I you bought^ watching her door Monaca moves her hands towards her panties ^baby what you doing? your breathing really heavy ^ her head tilts back feeling her pussy lips she begin to moan ^i'm playing with it baby^ she whisper's ^im not home yet baby let me get out of traffic An I can take care of you okay^ his deep smooth voice whispers into the phone. Monaca couldn't hold back any further ^baby please I wanna cum^ he whips it out An puts her on speaker ^cum baby I will cum with you^ Justin jacks his eraction while in moving traffic as monaca lets out a loud moan over the phone he cums with her on the phone^i will see you soon baby ^ hanging up she hears a knock at her office door ^monaca I found these letters in a box downstairs..^ he place the few he had in his hands on the nerby table ^was you waiting for me honey^ she gets up to slide her undies back up ^ thank you for finding my things I will take care of the rest of the unpacking form here you just find the nearest restaurant^ rolling her eyes Monaca shoves her phone inside her cleavage heading downstairs in a rush ^i thought an you was^ baffled SARGE was more confused then anything Moveing things to one place to another Monaca holds a pice of paper to her chest with adorment in her eyes monaca looks at it once more before holding it close to her once aging , looking over the box she picks it up An carry's them over toward the couch An begins to look through them with a full heart ^i miss him so much^ as tears flow from her eyes she looks over the letters she hid away from her fiancé for the past 7years ^justin:I'm on my way home baby^ just when she was thinking of him her heart skipped a beat looking over the message Monaca couldn't help but feel her heart leap An dance sarge foot steps comes from upstairs ^monaca..^ pausing he looks over the liveing room seeing how happy she looks stearing at her phone ^it looks great babe^ sliding her phone in the box with the letters her face grows dark ^y-yeah I'm going up to the studio for a later I'm going out ^ her face expression changes passing him by she looks at him holding on tight to her things every step she toke going up the stairs there was just that a still silences inside her heart sarge watched as she walked past him like ice it sent a chill down his spin wondering if it was him he deiced to ask ^monaca do you wanna do something together tomorrow^ turns back An looks at him still holding her things ^no I'm not interested honestly^

Holding the box closer to her chest monaca kept walking up stairs ignoring him An his offer feeling nothing for him but respect an honesty ^justin: -picture sent-^ opening her phone as she enters her office filled with paintings placed across the walls an a desk near the window monaca drops her box behind the door ^baby I’m on my way over.^ sending the message monaca goes down stairs into the master bedroom placing clothes inside her purse re-doing her hair to fit an tight curls monaca then takes her time fitting into her lace panties An matching bra he bought her for Christmas last year. ^babe the food is here!^ she rush’s hearing SARG’s footsteps coming into the room placing her tight black dress on an white heels ^are you going somewhere?^ he looks her over monaca grabs her white through over coat ^yes a meeting at the office I will be back ^ patting his shoulder kissing him on the check she smiles big with a skip in her step her phone rings ^hey^ she whispers softly turning the corner SARG hears the front door close An the loneliness inside his new big home he shares with his fiancé. Turning her radio on she drives around the block a few times before picking up the phone ^hello hey baby i will be on my way once i grab a few things okay^ her soft vocie lingers through the phone ^juistne: okay take your time baby girl^ monaca drove by her job looking out the window getting a good look at the buliding she hung up the phone parking her car at the store,moveing things around in her purse monaca looks up noticeing her boss leveaing the store with a young woman laughing an smileing, his arm draped around her waist she paid no mind to no more detils for what she was doing was no better. ^as long as his happy right^ smileing inside she gets out the car her heels hitting the pavement. the doors open aotumatcly ^welcome to max's places^ the clerk says as she enters grabing a buggy monaca curls bounce as she walks down the alis of the store monaca picks up a few itmes an place them in the cart ^hey miss do you need help with anything ?^ she truns around looking up at the stock boy ^yes i can't reach those cups up there.^ acting innocnet her nails point to the glass cups on the top shalf the stock boy grabs the box an places them in to her cart rubbing his neck smileing at her ^oh think you so much ^ her phone rings as she walks away her ass bonces the stock boy watchs her walk away. ^hey baby i'm heading to the cash register now^ hanging up the phone monaca places each item on the self checkout an leaves. ^thanks for comeing to max's places please come again^ the thought pounder through her mind about it all jusitin her boss inculdeing her finace is it worth all this messing around is it worth all this herat ache to find happeins from someone to be validity put on a pedalist to be clamed worthy her phone rung as she drove up his drive way getting out the car she toke off her ring placeing it inside her purse knocking on the door^hey baby i missed you so much.^ smileing from ear to ear her heart blow up in flames when he spoke her leg aotumaticly moved inside his home ^what toke so long i thought you was just going to the store?" i had to put some things away before i lift the house. cluthcing her purse the memorey of sarges look on his face made her heart skip a beat ^ah well i made you some dinner come on in baby an relax.^ justin bite his bottom lip looking at her up and down watching her wlak around the room placeing her things down on the couch ^i'm not that hungery ^ she looks at him his baer chest and sweatpants hanging low showing off his checkerd boxers ^then lets cuddle a little an then have a bite^ his eyes glow looking into her soulless heart ^jusitn baby pormise me something^ she mubbles as he moves closer kissing her lips ^yeah baby^ his fangs begin to show ^whatever happens in the near futuer you will always know i loved you with all my heart ^ he holds her close giveing her a little smrik ^of crouse besides i'm the only one who knows your ture secerts ^ he rips her grouges dress open with one tear gasping monaca kiss's him passiontly. He pulls her in rubbing her body with his ruff hands ^mm baby lets go in the room i don't want another desater like last time^ monaca looks into his eyes worried about his new furnature an clean floors he looks at her lace under gramets licking his lips ^fine just strip the rest of your dress off i will get you a new one in the moring^ pulling off her coat she removes her torn dress and follows him into the bedroom her gaze locked onto his back ^baby...^ with no more words she feels his lips pressed agsint hers leading down her body she feels him squezzing her boobs an back pressed up agsint the door^wait baby we need to go to the bed^ muttering the words her body shacks an legs get week jusitin picks her up an licks are wet pussy moans leave her mouth ^baby uhuh^ with no direction he slowy places her on the bed sliding her down to the edge ^are you ready?^ he questions her riping her top off exposeing her breast monaca moans feeling him scratch her ^baby not so ruff this time^ whiping it out thick her mouth begin to water looking at it instead og asking jusitin dangles his dick over her face sliding it in an out holding her hands he listens as she gage on his dick moving her pantis to the side leaning in still thrusting her throt he licks her pussy juices up. ^mmmmmmm!^ monaca cums jusitin pulls his dick out her mouth ^lets see how many times did i make you cum last time ?^ holding her wasit he slids her down monaca looks at him ^b-baby your nails plaese not so ruff^ feeling his rock hard cock agsint the entrcane her body begins to shack in his hands ^shuhshuh don't run ^ he rams it inside watching both her eyes role to the back of her head hearing her scream his name over an over monaca cums feeling his pipe hitting every wall ^thats it baby^ drooling uncutrlable justin keep going until he came inside of her sweaty but satisfied the pillows was torn bed spread was ripped monaca sides was scratched ^baby i'm so sorry^ looking into her eyes he caresses her cheeck an picks her up carrying her to the bath ^this might sting a little^ he truns the knob hot water hits her body ^ah!^ he grabs a towle an watchs as her wonuds heal up ^so monaca when are you going to move in with me?^ truning the water off her heart being to beat sunddenly ^w-what did you say?^ grabing the towel out his hands ^ I said when are you going to..^ she places a hand over his mouth ^shuhs did you hear that?^ shakeing his head he walks out the bathroom quitely his eyes glowing looking around his house ^who's there?^ his labtop open wide playing a tone a little kid with furr runs across the screen jusitin close's his computer hearing footsteps comeing behind him ^was it a buglure?^ he shack his head ^just my lab top playing tricks on me is all baby lets go lay down.^ he blows out the candels and heads to the room.

Holding her close jusitn kissess her shoulder takeing her phone from her placeing it on the night stand ^baby what time you gotta be at work?^ he whisper in her ear.^ monaca feels his icey breath run down her skin ^back up first an 7 go to sleep baby^ pulling the covers over them feeling there bodys fall into sleep mood. Sarg passed the floor looking at his phone an back at the tv. ^monaca i'm going to bed ok see you in the moring.^ her phone gose off on justin night stand his eyes peer open feeling a shadow hovering over monaca's body his fangs show putting a arm over her his eyes glow justin growls looking at the figure, watching as it disappers. ^baby your growling aging^ rubbing him she feels his furr arms an looks up ^justin.^ her eyes widen an heart beating fast at the site of him he looks down at her an calms down ^something is here?^ rubbing his face he gets out of bed an sets inthe shadows watching monaca fall back to sleep. As the sun comes up monaca turns over feeling on the sheets. ^baby^ looking down at her phone an a new dress. placeing it on monaca ties her hair up. I'm sure he didn't i'm positvie he wouldn't she mubbles clutching her tooth bursh shacking it off. justin comes into the bedrrom looking down at her phone watching as it gose off. setting her food down ^babe your phone is popping this moring!^ he picks it up an slides it under the bathroom door ^turn it on slient we need to talk real quick!.^ her heart stoped hearing those words spiting monaca opened the door looking at him up an down. ^fuck you smell good baby.^ smileing big he picks her up grabing her bag ^whats on your mind justin?^ setting her down on the couch^ you can't move in just yet baby girl theres something here turst me i'm not seeing things either^ she rubbs his back an kiss his cheeck ^okay justin baby i'm going to go then i love you ^ his eyes get wide she pause at the door ^what was that baby you love who?^ opening the door she feels him next to her cleaning in ^say it again^ she loos at him ^you i love you baby hugging him ^ he moves for she can go to work watching as she leave ^baby wait ^ he gives her a gift ^I bout this,this moring i want you to wear it until i can get rid of this thing ^ looking into her eyes she nods her head ^see you tonight baby^ she pulls out the drivway. Justin looks behind him seeing the shadow standing tall ^why are you still here!?^ looking around he notices his people looking at him judeging him with there eyes. The shadow disappers from the door way justin picks up his paper an walks inside salming the door beheind him.

monaca opens the office door being greeted with the upmost respect co-workers looked up to her and her thoughts on things she was the head the lead next to the leader his self monaca watched as every step she toke was with trust an true intiontes but little did she know they envyed her embedly behined her back two workers planned an polited nothing but that she couldn't feel the eyes priceing through her back every time she was truned towards her work or the bord during meetings glareing gossping snareing the only reason was because of stevei an sophi the two twins that casue more trouble in the work place then any.

sarge looks looks to his side an see no one there as always his herat drops once his feet hit the floor nothing but silince leaps through there brend new house. he walks toward her closet touching her clothes imangeing her touch an warm hands once aging her lips pressed upon his. sarge smells her pantis the scent of fresh tide he looks over an sees her perfume spraying it in the air smelling of lilys an cherrys sarge slumps on to the bed side looking at his engament picture on the night stand. ^what went wroung?^ he hears barking from nearby opening his window he yells across the street ^can you..^ then he stops looking around at his naborhood realizeing his fiance isn't humane half of the population isn't anymore he close's his window placeing the pictuer back down wondering if it is him. makeing his way to the ketichen sarge looks around feeling the lonlylness he beging his day with coffee an a shave after then gose for a run around 8:30 by that time sarge knows in the back of his mind his gorgouges fiance will call once he enters the house but for some reason that didn't happen.

he looks over his watch an see'sit was getting late so he decides to get ready for work instead of worrying over it. ^maybe i will stop by an see how she is doing?^ he ponders to hisself.

grabing his things he hopes on his bike an make his way to her feeling his heart pound he stops at a local flower story an bakery with her in mind.arriveing on time sarge enters the office with more respect then monaca gets ^aren't you in for a surpise sir.^ sneekring an laughing sophi polish the thought futher talking with others as she walks away from him slowly ^that man was so handsome he even brought her a snack to devour^ smileing from ear to ear watching sarge storm into her office ^hey sweetheart^ she looks at him surpised ^where is he?^ looking in her office closet an aparment setting. ^where is who?^ she looks at him confussed pushing the bouqte of flowers under her desk an basket of sweets along with them. ^the guy that sophi was talking about..^ she gets up an walks toward him ^baby the only man thats visited me today is you ^ looking deep into his eyes she looks down at a bag ^is that for me ?^ smileing as hard as she can sarge hands the bag to her ^yeah i thought i stop by to see you before i went to work it seems you eat already^ he looks over her desk noctieing a drop of blood on a sheet of drafted paper ^i'm sorry i didn't know you was comeing by thank you for the flowers an treats^ he kisses her cheek an grabs her ass. ^please stop sarge i'm at work not here ^ she pushs him away an sets back down placeing his thoughtful gift to the side. ^i will let you get back to work then.^ he looks over her once aging before he walks toward the door looking back he sees her already back to work. ^so how it go did you give it to her ?^ shopi standing by the door clincthing on to a little bit of hope ^no there was no guy she loves me you two should get back to work ^ pointing his fingers at stevei an shopi ^wait we toke pictuers we know she might put on act so we toke it into are on hands.^ he looks at them both wanting to question them but instead he looked at the racey photos of monaca an jusitn in postions he never could an wanted to put her in he even saw the flowers and basket. ^we can get her fired with these or worse most of the staff here dosen't like her already we all thought we come to you^ stevei injected ^seeing as you are her fiance an we reascpet you enough to tell the full truth including about what she do during work an about her day you call us alot more then her..^ shopi stops stevei nudgeing him ^ i will think it ove besides what can a human like my self do but give her all my love ^ sarge looks at them both with tears in his eyes walking away defted an hurt but as he reached his bike he beging to laugh an smile at the thought shopi an stevei saw every thing from the window tops ^well brother are boss isn't going to have her happy ending after all ^ smileing from ear to ear stevei and shopi plans being.

sarge looks over the past years his spent with monaca thinking to his self was it worth it? pushing it all the negatviay the argueing all of it to the side inculdeing when she wanted to sleep in her office an be alone. ^sarge the boss wants to see you.^ pushing her out the way his feet smelled of revenge. ^wait..^ she pulld on his shrit ^is everything okay with you^ looking into his eyes she lets go feeling it her heart drops ^be careful^ floting away from him. he calms down hearing her words walking into his boss's office ^sarge some of the staff is complaneing today about how you interactte with costmores is anything wrung if so leave it outside of office doors don't bring your porblems into work it's torblemsome^ looking at his feet sarge keppt thinking about how all the certures became known in his plante and decdied to do some of his own reserch before monaca got home.

^I'm home!^ setting her bag down on the table walking into the ketichen ^sarge baby?^ she looks around takeing her coat off. starting slowly up the staris she sees a light on ^whats going on?^ questioning him she sees his office supplys sat up in the room across her studio^i just thought since your going to be doing work from offcie as well i think i should as well be sides we don't have family over that offten an when we do they don't stay here.^ she cross her arms being caousie with the satuion ^ what do you plan on doing with this new office of yours?^ she walks in slowly looking around the room. ^reserach. . .^ he spoke waiting for her to answer back ^well i will get out your hair an let you get to it then.^ he speaks up before she leaves ^your not going to help me?^ truning around ^no this is your own porject i have nothing to do with thisyou have to see the resutles to the end i will love to see what happens once your finsh in here.^ she looks around an gives him a soft smile before she closed the door.

Her phone gose off. ^hello^ walking slowly down the stairs with a smile on her face ^hey hold on ^ going trhough the fridge she takes out a tv dinner an places it in the microwave ^hello justin baby i been thinking about you all day.^ pulling herself upon the counter top.

she feels his deep breathing through the phone ^BaBy are you okay?^ waiting for a answer. jusitin:^ i need you to give me time to sorte out the situoian her at my home before you ever come back over okay baby^ feeling shoked by his request^o-okay^

jusitin:^pormise me no matter what you won't take off that charm i gave you^ he hangs up with out saying i love you or giveing her a kiss through the phone. monaca looked at her purse walking twords it solwly takeing the bracelt out the box ^what is it supouse to do?^ she ponder out loud. With out question she places it on her wirst her heart beating rampiedly her face going goolm she feels herslef sliping away from him ^when will i hear from you agian?^ sarge comes down stairs ^babe what is burning?^ she looks back at him sartled opening the microwave ^i'm so sorry^ she peleds. he looks at her with a smrik on his face ^i know.. .^ walking back upstaris.

pickking her phone up she looks over past message between her and jusitin biteing her bottom lip she place's her phone down an walks up stairs towarods sarges office ^baby how was work?^ watching him place decortions up ^it was intrasting after i left your offcie today monaca^ she walks up to him an rubs up agaisnt him with jusitn on her mind ^baby tell me more ^he looks at her ^baby i'm busy ^ pushing her away sarge walks down stairs monaca following him ^even if i do that thing you like so much you still...^ no monaca i'm not in the mood.^ gracefully she grabs her phone an goese up stairs to the bedroom wishing hopeing yarning to be touched by jusitin to feel his kisses an soft vocie speak to her heart. feeling the lonelyness an empty silince of her bedroom her heart wonders if love is the only thing that makes humans and certures happy in this life time. Her eyes glow bright blue as she look at the celling ^monaca your eyes never done that before are you okay ?^ she sets up an titles her head ^what do you mean?^ he grabs a mirro an hands it to her. ^ there blue. did something happen today i should know about?^ she smiles an shackes her head feeling it unsatisfied with life with him her chocies the lonelyness keeps sinking in monaca scroll through her phone. ^babe?^

sarge tries to touch her but monaca moves away. ^I need to go.^ she walks out the bathroom looking around for her keys dashing out the front door with her pujrse in hand ^jusitn i know you said i shouldn't come over but i need you right now baby^ throwing her phone on in the set with her coat monaca backs up her car an zooms out the driveway. sarge comes running out the house ^wait!^ calming down he looks over the nabourhood an mubbles ^what did i do wroung this time?...^ pressing his palms toghter sagre walks back into his house an being to reasech on the history an more of monaca's race an family.

putting on the braks monaca hurryedly stops at a stops sign going over her phone ^okay lets just meet at the hotel the one i porpused to you rember^ her eyes light up looking over her phone her eyes remain blue like sapphire her heart couldn't take it no more tapping her fingers over an over waiting for the light to change. ^come on!^ it changes raceing monaca turns right an finds herself at her distantion she sees him already checking in. opeing her door she slips out her dress an slids on the red slacks an blue tank top putting up her long thick hair in a bun she grbs her purs an coat an walks in ^i'm here jusitin whats the room number^ monaca sees some one tall an brown eyed ^jusitin^ she cry out walking up to him he raps his arms around her ^hey baby whats going on?^ she looks at her phone reciveing a message from him ^i'm right infront of you baby girl^ looking up at his big brown eyes ^i just got your message can we go to are room now.^ he looks at her for a few seconds ^we need to talk. . .^ they enter the elavator toghter ^about whats goning on jusitin^ leading her out the elevaort they enter the hotel room ^you rember how i told you there was something in my house?^ placeing his bag down an takeing her coat off. ^yeah baby^ she watchs him head to the window an set ^well its gone i saw it that day i was at your office leaveing it's inside your husband monaca sets on the bed ^how do you know about him^ he cross his arms an opens his mounth ^ah i forgot.^ looking around the room ^baby why do you have those shades on whats going on^ monaca takes them off ^your eyes there a new color^ she tiltes her head ^what you mean^ he walks over to her unbuttoning his shirt. ^well babe for the past year when your mood changes your eye change color they never been brown ever as long as i have known you.^ he places her hand on his chest an looks deep into her eyes ^huh there not changeing back ^ his sharpe nails an hairy hands rubb up agisnt her cheek ^babe you now the drill close your eyes an relax^ she takes a deep breath an close's her eyes jusitin tiltes her head slightly his eyes glow yellow an his fangs show as he bite down into her shoulder. Blood runs down her back as he lift his head an looks at her ^open your eyes for me baby girl^ he whispers in her ear opeing her eyes they was still blue but this time the sapphire had yellow pasteing line across it leading into her puplis ^thats not good^ he mubbled. ^are you happy with me monaca or with him^ her heart dropped when asked the question. looking him in the face as he stud there trasnfroming back to his human self ^i love you jusitin an wanna grow old with you an have your kids ^ there was hesations ^okay i know what you want lets do it. ^

Chapter Two

sarge an his courise mind

wakeing up drool dreanched all over his keybord sarge whips his face pushing takeing a sip of his cold an tastful coffee "ech" looking over the screen there it was results about her family.

the artical told him all he thought he needed to know:


what happens when they{angle mode an moods} mate?

That has never happend in this centery seeing as we as sinceties have not tested it out. but we can cunclud if a mood an angle mode do reporduce one or the other will become the carry'r. angel modes have no feelings like moods studying that fact we can simple say moods will possbile be the carry'r for the unborn child. even if his male.

can a angle mode deveple feelings?

yes of crouse we have tested severl humane interactions an non-humane as well with an angle mode. severl have cried,gotten mad,an even felt symthpy for another certuer or two. in order for them to deveple emotins the must understand you an get a better understaning. Angle modes do this by takeing wires from there on system an implanting them in your body takeing life long infromation from you. most Agnle modes don't do this tradtion.

Repordutive system of an Angle mode?

Angle mode's are humane bond alien modify robict anglodie's the host the eggs cell cunsmeing porticuls and malucs to re-porduce a human ,mermaid ,alien ,or baby of there own. if a Angle mode do reporduce something hybride or out of its dna robitc mental systems then life from it self {angel mode} will occsonily disapper or eat there spawn.


moods are non-humane certures they hold back feelings instead of saying or telling there worth they show it through there eyes moods cast spells with there words not like witchs or warlocks moods can give you a simple comment an you wouldn't even know there cruseing you. They reportudicion system holds up to 100 eggs for females every monthly piredo. males hold up to 6 by there 30's we haven't yet tested anything with reportudion with a mood an angle mode just interaticon nothing farther.

Sarge keeps scrolling through his computer for more answer. when he hears the door slam from down stairs. ^monaca is that you!^

The door moves slowly as sophie approches sarge desk "hello sarge" smileing from ear to ear sarge jumps a little "hey what are you doing here?" she places a file on his desk with monaca name on it "i thought you needed more infromation about your darling wife. me an brother been takeing pictures of every man she has slept with or dated while she was with you an that other guy but the other guy has his teeth in her pertty deep if i do say so myself" sohipe places photos infront of him of monaca an justitn leaveing the office toghter at stores toghter an so many more inculeding in justitn home. "how did you get these?" shopie smiles big looking at him "i planted a camra in her teddy bear the staff gave to her as a gift stuip'd ass wife , she leaves all her gifts "her lover" buys her at his place or her condo/office." sarge puts his finger over her mouth his face was truning purple. ^Thats enough. can you leave i need to be alone.^ setting back down in his chair walking out of his office noticeing monaca walking up the stairs with teeth marks in her neck an arm "well well well wild night boss" shopie looks into her eyes "wait are your eyes trunig colors? " snatching away from her monaca makes her way towards the bed room to cover up her bite marks "monaca is that you?" opening the door frame sarge looks her over "whats going on with your eyes ?" roleing them monaca throws her clothes on the floor placeing her gown on "I did some research would you like to know what i found out" shakeing her head slightly into the pillow monaca looks over her phone her red eyes refelct into her phone as she get more an more irrataited by his persences.

Her mind wonders looking over text messages from justitn her heart pitter patter's. ^How was work my love is there any new porjects your working on?^ SARGE nocite the bite marks along the area of her kneck an decide to pull back. "everything is going just great" smileing from ear to ear. Monaca couldn't help it she was in love with a halfling that understand's her. And wanted her wanted to touch her every inch of her body was all of his an his alone she alone new that nobody could take this feeling away from her. ^Baby is everything okay your eye's are turning pink.^ he smiled. ^was you thinking of me?^ He thinks back to sohipe and her words of evadince. ^nevermind what i said. umm...let's get some sleep shall we.^ just human flesh he couldn't do anything but touch her an love her couldn't understand what changes she was going through unless he reserched them or monaca herslef said something. But he new she would never do such a thing like that. Not until she was feed up an done. ^thats it.^ He whisperd. looking over his sholder seeing his adorable wife sleeping like a cat. ^I know what I should do if she won't talk then i'll just have to get it out of her by being just as petty as she would be^ instead of reshercher her kind he planned to ruin his own relationship.

With one call an a few photos shopie showed him. He placed an ad in the papre to distroey his one and only love. "SARGE are you ready?" She looks him over with her blue clear glass eyes looking right through him. ^Is everything okay your eyes are...nevermind^ he hisateas. looking her over ^will they ever go back to there natural color?^ he ask's her his heart ponding fearing for her respones. " no I don't blevie they will they are consantlly changeing colors why?" she ask moveing toward the door her dress squeezeing her body tightly hair flowing down her back his eyes was foucsed on her ass as it moved ^ you look so betifiul tonight^ monaca truned around smileing softly "Oh you think so." SARGE moved towards her looking into her eyes watching them waiting for a reaction ^nothing there still blue what dose that mean?^ Monaca opens the door " It means we are going to be late for the opening" pushing him away gentlelly monaca new excatly what it all meant but telling him would just cerate a differnt porblem itself she herslef don't need that.

SARGE was more curoise about her eyes an the changes she was going through more then getting reveange at this point. Grabing his coat keeping his eyes on her back end as he trail bheind her. ^What is this opening about anyway?^ He ask's. Monaca's heels hit the pavment of there drive way her furry coat straguls along behind her. "MONACA!" Ms. & Mr. kinklly wave watching her from the far left "YOU LOOK GORGOUES MY DEAR!" Ms. kinkly shoots racking up leaves. "THANK YOU !" SARGE rolls his eyes at them both as he get's into the car. "why do you have to be like that towards them?" monaca ask's. ^ did you not see what they was doing besisdes they don't follow the code.^ Her phone buzz over an over as they both being to fight over the code an her driveing. ^ What is this event for agian?^ He looks her over as she parks the car. He gentally touch's her thigh feeling how soft and warm dress felt ^ Baby let's^ Leaning in towards her whispering "No I need to go. " She check her phone at all the missed phone calls from JUISTIN. ^babe it's up ...An...I^ Shopie knock on his door looking at monaca "THERES A MAGER PORBLEM BOSS!" she yells. monaca grabs herwhite furr coat her heels clak click on the pavment SARGE sat there in the car listining imagining her body on top of his. takeing his dick out he being to rub up an down leaning the seat back his eyes closed imangineing her bouneing on top her moans . Just her is all he needed. paceing his self has he jacked off he know at that moment he was about to cum an hard as he pecked SARGE moaned ^monaca ^ .

"Okay so the guest are clashing I told the bouncer that you would get angery if he let in the wroung people but he was like fuck the list everyone is a winner today" shopie couldn't keep up with monaca any longer she was walking to fast. "Shopie I give you permisson to fire someone today an find your borther an tell him to kick anyone who isn't on the guest list out .NOW!" Shopie scatterd. Looking around the room she didn't see him anywhere. "I think you desver a pormotion Boss lady" the biggest small roll across his vocie was like music to her ears "you think so." her eyes chamgeing from sparkle blue to pure deep red. "First we need to get contorl of those gorgoues eyes of yours monaca come with me my love" justin pulls her into the closeist elevartor raping his arms around her wasit.kissing her kneck softly. "justin please baby" monaca moaned griping his shrit. "look at me. I can't have you going in there like this" rubbing her body slowy he grabed her ass roughly looking into her as he dose so. "But the guest's I have to" kissing her lips. "They will still be down there monaca come here baby." unbuttoning her dress his hands move across her back once more "your not wearing a bra " she moans as he touchs her body "not on the" monaca slides her hand down his pants "oh you sure you can't wait baby" moveing her hand he takes his blazer off rapping it around her lifting her up off the ground an into his arms waiting for the doors to open to his condo. kissing his kneck monaca looks into his eyes. "stay right there dont move." monaca removes her dress placeing his blazer on the arm rest "I'm waiting baby!" calling out to him. He walks in to see her laying on the bed with nothing on. "mm baby" touching her softly an tenderly kissing her toes makeing his way to her pussy. "baby wait you gotta condom right" he starts playing with it moveing his fingers around inside of her in a circle motion pulling out slow "babyy" monaca baerly got her sencetes out once he begang to eat it up. "baby it feels so good" licking his lips kissing her stomach makeing his way towards are big juicey breast squeezing them "what was you saying about a condom baby?" licking and sucking her nipples he watchs as she shack an tremble her body wanting more. "I got you baby" rubbing her body softly placeing his fingers back inside moveing them around fast "Justin ah fuck !" kissing on her kneck "i'm sorry baby but." He slides all the way in biteing down on her shoulder drinking her blood. monacs monas an screm feeling him move inside her "fuck baby yes!" he stops "hold on to me baby" gripping him tightly. beings to pump fast insde of her monaca feeling it all deep insded of her pussy his dick hitting past her G-spot. "mfuck baby" he bites her aging on her kneck. " I'm cumin jusitin baby" slowing down his strokes easeing in an out of her pussy "oh fuck im going to cum to baby" he starts to pump fast feeling the bulid up jusitin moaning an grunting he cums inside of her. "no baby not inside" Moaning monaca looks in his eyes her's trun from red to a soft pink. "Alright baby i'ma need you to stay up here for a while youjust rest here put your feet up rest a bit" jusitin kiss's her lip's softly slideing out of her slowly. "Wait what about the party?" monaca try's to stand up . justin looks at her "lay down baby I got this besides it's good for business for them to see the top boss from time to time. " placeing some pillows under her feet fliping the tv on for her. "Wait what about SARGE?" he waves giveing her a big ass small.

Chapter 3

Betral of the heart

"It's the boss" eyes an heads trund looking up an down at him as he walked up on stage. "Welcome everyone. I like to thank the staff for there hard work this evening. As we celabrate are grand open here on the distract side of town." As justin gave his speech SARGE being to get concred for monaca looking over the room seraching for her betiful laced dress. "Hi there stranger" shopie whisperd ^oh hi thanks ^ handing him a drink she looks him over slowly "you dress down pertty well. For a human." Walking around him like a vulter slowly annalisying him looking through him as if he was glass " are you nervous Sarge" Sarge grabs her hand pulling her to the side ^ those pictures you gave me they where legit right?^ he asks bluntly. nodding her head. "of cousre they where I can show you the camra we placed tonight in her office" rubbing her hand across his chest "If you like Sarge" gripping his hand "follow me." Justin look into the disticne at shopie walking away with SARGE linked arm an arm smiling as hard as he can."I will let you all get back to your mingling please excsue me." Justin leaves the stand following them. "see we placed two in the cornor an one under her desk." setting her drink on the desk shopie looks him up and down. ^so Sarge Where is your moody fiance anyway?^ she asked. Porping herself upon the desk. "I'm not sure honstly" He truns around looking her up and down ^is there a porblem sarge?^ Her strap falls from her shoulder. Clearing his throt. "no of crouse not." He looks around the office. ^Sarge I saw you earlier jacking off I must say your fiance is missing out ^ crossing her arms her celvlaing shows "you think so" he mubbles. ^mhm^ Justin opens the door slightly listiening in ^ come closer i won't bite^ holding her hand out. "I shouldn't. I-I mean I'm enggaged to monaca." shopie approched him ^you really think monaca is intrested Be honest with yourself^ placeing his hands on her chest ^When was the last time mon-aca told you she even cared or wanted to touch you ^ her snack like tounge licks his ear. "w-well i um" justin walks away feeling as if he shouldn't have listened to any of what he had heard. "My love I have terrable but wonderful news" justin opens the door. " justin I too have some incrdulabe news" her eyes pink full with love an happens. Tears falling from her eyes. Holding her close in his arms. "Don't say anything my love your eyes say it all." His heart was full but his soul was hurting. "baby i need to tell you something before you say anything." Looking around the room. Closeing all the dors an shuting all the windows. "come with me in here" he closed the door. "Your life is in danger" Placeing his hand upon her cheek. He felt it her heart sinking. "What did you just say?" shocked by his words. "My aparment is being over run by those from the dark planet they want me to hand you over to them." She moves his hand from her face. "Not with out-I wont-Go anywhere no!" she push him into the tube truning the water on watching as he turn into a mermaid. "BABE!" storming out of the bathroom she grabs her things. "Hello monaca is it?" surpised. "yes who are you?" ^MONACA NO RUN!^ justin struggling to reach the towels. "your savor from this monster inside you" she looks at him confused ."what do" truning around moncaca screamd in pain "this is why you shouldnt mate with halfings my dear" blood runing down her leg ,her eyes truned black an dark "NO MONACA!" justin fully dryed ran to her aid pulling the knife "it's going to be okay hang in there" Trying his best to cover the wound but there was nothing he could do. "justin place me on the bed an open the window. Please." Doing as she asked. Tears fall from his eyes. "Go I will be fine. I promise." dark as the night sky he couldnt tear his eyes from them, her eyes was changing he never seen them like that. He dosn't know what she's thinking or how she's feels. He close the door Behind him an waits.

^SARGE^ shopie spoke whispering in his ear. "y-yeah" Getting closer and closer to him backed up to a wall shopie press her body up agsint his. slipping her hand down his pants. "We-I" looking into his eyes deeply ^what was that SARGE?" kissing him deeply her long snack like tonge licks his face. shoipe hiss's slowly getting truned on by his smell. "STOP shoipe!" Her brother yells ^why he wants it so badly.^ she grips his balls softly looking into his eyes. "I understand that but not hear juese christ control yourself both of you." letting go of him shopie steps back an licks her hand . "I'm coming with you shopie." SARGE spoke. shopie smiled as did her brother. ^what about your fiance i thought you loved her soo fucking much.^ SARGE looks at the both of them "let me come with you, both of you. "Fine but if he gets in the way of are plans his yours to deal with shopie " her brother preched. ^come on handsome.^


When the whispeer's start!

"shawn you can come in." monaca whisperd under her breath. "Babe don't get up i will come to you." In a rush Shawn approchs the bed side. cupping her hand looking into her eyes "there so dark an deep I don't know how your feeling even when I touch your hand " shawn speaks to her softly. monaca smiles rubbing her hand across his cheek "My heart we have to get outta here it's no longer safe for me or you." Hands being to clap slowly "Well Juistin you managed to trick her an save her life in one day." A voice he rekoniges echos from the showads of his condo. "baby who is that why are they" monaca stops frozen from the site of blood driping from the knife that stabbed her. "AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA Yes you stupid bitch it was me." monaca truns to Shawn shocked an hurt. "I promise it isn't what it looks like i swear just rap your arms around my neck slowly." shawn spoke softly and quitly."An if i don't listen..." monaca looked into his eyes angery waiting for a explansion "this isn't the time nor place " picking her up like a baby he opens the window an jumps. "save us Monaca !" shawn yells. Spreading her wings griping his shrit "Give a resaon why i shouldn't let you die " monaca sworing through the sky her wings spreaded wide open tears falling from her eyes. "ANSWER ME DAMMIT YOU!" she yells. "well-I um I love you an It's twins" he looks up at her smileing nervously. "what did you say?" shocked they both land on top of a roof. "I said it's twins" repeating his self. monaca smiles big looking into his eyes. Happy feeling as If it's already all over vocies pree through her mind flashing through an out like echos of a strom. Not able to stand Monaca grips his arms feeling herself growing weak. "Mon Monaca BaBe are you okay?" Shawn asks picking her up "No plaese leave her alone " she mubbles under her breathe wipping an gasping for air. Shawn bangs on the door hoping someone was at the top floor of the buliding or at least hear him crying out for help. "PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR ANYONE!" monaca mubbles under her breath a name as she slowly passout in his arm's. "OH FUCK no no no Baby wake up please." placeing her down on gentally like soft pillow. Shawn gets up some speed an starts to bang at the door with all his strghtn make dents the knob breaks as does the door. "HELLO PLEASE HELP!" carrying her through out the halls knocking on doors tears being to roll down his checks giveing up cross's his mind. "come in hurry" A voice whispers softlly. "Is it her?" one vocie asked. "monaca where is she?" another lingered. "oh don't mind them come lay her down in here" following the vocie he opened the door. "You an monaca can stay as long as you like sir shawn" The being places it's hand on to his shoulder "what are you? why are you helping us?" laying her down lightly. "we won't revel are selfs until her sister being makes contact." the hand dissapers an so dose the voice's.

"MARSHA!" A voice scrathes from afar "(Juen is everything okay where is everyone?)" He grips her hand to help her set up. Marsha looks around the room her eye's lock on to chimini. "(Are you okay?)" He ask's her in a soft toned voice. Goui set's on the couch right beside her. "(You was talking in your sleep and..)" He looks at ming an ming looks among kem."(we need you to explain yourself about the action.)" with his arms crossed an eyes narrowed towards her. Taim stands up upset a bit. "(I don't think she needs to explain herslef at all honselty it could just be nightmares!" He yells at the boys Marsha is a bit shocked by his action. "(someone is missing.)" Marsha looks around the room in a panic. "(calm down who are you looking for?)" Juen ask's. Rin comes out the room in his PJ's. "(What's going on every one?)" everyone looks at him. Marsha hugs him happliy."(I missed you too. When did you wake up?)" he asked. Goui answerd for her "(A few mintues ago she dosen't seem to rember anything.)" he hinted around. "(well okay let's not stress her out with all of it Marsha are you hungery are perciuoes flower.)" he smiled pating her head . An she noded. "(Is it me or dose he get scaryer an scayer everytime he wakes up from a nap.)" Tami whispaer's to Chimini.

"Kem what's going on? What are you and the boy's not telling me yall aren't ever this supoiuse with me ever...not since the time you all find out well." The guys focused on him. "(she wants me to tell the truth)" Marsha place's her spoon down an politely esscuse herslef from the table. "(goodnight every one I'm a bit tired. Goui will you?)" loooking into her eyes he nooded his head. "(In a mintue.)" The guys looked at him with questionable eyes as he ate his fries. "(So it was you the whole time?)" ming leand back in his chair crossing his arms. "(yeah your the one the artical in the paper is talking about.)" Juen assumed. Kem got up an placed his bowl in the sink. "(Guys lets not overthink the situion besides Goui has been beside marsha every since she started working for this company. It shouldn't be a surpies that he gose in her room before bed they both stay up until 1:00 possabliy 5:00 in the moring. talking an throwing around ideas most of the time. )" Kem points out. Chimini pours him another glass of juice. "(Its not talking about him. An all of you know it.)" Chimini takes a sip of his juice. "(She isn't the only one who've forgotten a few things we have to after that incounter with the boss in his office.)"

Chimini looks at everyone with intense eye's, Ming starts to get a bit nervous. "( You all might have but I haven't even though I was there with you during those times you've incountered something with out the group I rember every thing. )" Ming juester's to Kem. "( And you do to?)" Goui asked. Everyone looks at Kem. "(yes well I-um. I-I)" Kem couldn't speek. "(The artical is a cover up for are extented time away. There is no one in the group dating anyone nor is the company going under for anyone eles action's.)"Juen assumed. Ming still holding his gaze upon kem. "(Tell them unless you like to deal wit-)" Kem finally speaks up cutting Ming off. "(His right but we should talk to Marsha about all this as well we don't want to leave her out of it either she has been spouting some wired things in her sleep.)" The boy's clean up after themselevs an head to bed. Goui cuddles up to marsha. And she beginning's mubbleing in her sleep over an over in a differnt lanuge.

<sa sa sa sa sa saaaa ssss aaaaaaaaa ria sa> The mubble's grew louder. <SASAAAASAAAASAAASA SA SA SA S AAAAA AH AH AH RIA RIA RIA RIAAA> Goui get's out of bed yelling for help. "(Is everything okay?!)" The boys yelled back. Rushing to her aid. Marsha began to foame at the mouth. <AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA> The mubbles had truned into loud skertching cry's Goui watched her body being lifted from the bed as if someone was pulling the string's of a puppet. "(Pleses someone hurry!!!)" Goui cried out. Rin and kem ran into the room. "(Rin go get ming if he ignores you drag his ass up those staris but get him up here at once!)" Kem yells pushing him out the door. "(we can't go throw this cycle a second time.)" Rin mubbles to his self. Goui stood by the tv lookinig at him confused "(why? whats going on?)" he asked. "(she's calling someone or someone is calling her either way marsha has done this before.)" Kem say's calmly. As he recalls all the other times marsha has saved his life an all the times marsha has had passed out in school Rin looked over her brown mocha soft face her eyes truning a picth black "(HURRY!!)" Rin yelled.

[Can you here us?]

[Do you see us?]

[it's you she need's..]

[you must find her]

A face simular to her's the beatfiul rainbow eyed woman was holdning a child.


Breaking from the trance marsha look's upon Goui and the other's. "SOMEONE CATCH HER!' Kem yells out as she falls. Goui holds out his arm's watching her body slowly float down. Chimini in shock at her aprent state marsha's whole being, beinning to collaled. Goui lay's her down in the bed looking over her, her eyes where closed an body fragile gasping sounds leave her mouth marsha's eyes open wide."(Marsha it's okay we're right here beside you.)" Chimini spoke reaching for her hand. Goui setting beside her looking at them both. Marsha nods not able to speak unstoppbale shakeing. Kem placed a warm towel over her head. she jerks a bit Guoi get's up an walks out paceing back and forth in the hallway of there home.

"(what's happening to her?)" Ming mubbles to his self.

"(I don't know but what dose it all mean?)" Goui looked at ming.

They both shrugging there shoulder's.

"(Hey guy's she want's to see us all.)" Juen encourged leaveing the door cracked open. Goui and Ming looked over marsha feeling unsure about what is about to happen next.

"(I been hearing voice's from another place.)" Marsha blurt out Kem and Ming not surpiesd as the other's.

"(This other place where exctalty is that?)" Juen asked feeling curiose. Marsha takes a breath.

"(Thats not the type of questions you should be asking)" Rin spoted out beining the one who experinced it frist hand before. Marsha sat there.

"(what extculy are we suppoued to be asking her If i havn't forgotten so Taim is holding stuff back Marsha is possbily not marsha and fot the last few years we known her we all have almost came close to fucking her brains out expect me Rin and Goui hell how do any of us know if we are we we have had run in on several accsuions with begins that aren't supposed to be alive or nonexstion ant more lets not forget the lizared like being Oh wait the white suites they where a treat and know yo-)" Marsha slaps juen shutting him up.

"(calm down everyone please let me explian.)" Marsha folds her arms.

"(Her names monaca and they)"

"(who is this they?)" juen askd feeling uneasey about the whole situion.

"(they want use more like me to find her.)" they looked at marsha unclear on whatto do next.

"( Then where should we start?)" Goui asked feeling unsure but confident in Marsha and her word. Marsha shooked beyoned belif. "(what really why?)" she asked him. "(Becasue we been through alot toghteryou had my back and it seem's you need are's a little more then usally.)" they both smile at one another. "(Me to)" Chimini runin's there moment. "(let's all go find this monaca chick! It can be a adveneter)" Tami said exctedly.

Let's Go! Marsha yells happliy.


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