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Black and White Abstract Texture



Monaca & Justin’s past history I never thought I would meet her in this life time or the next I got separated from my family long ago all eight of us was close like brothers. I’m the artistic one out of them all. Believe it or not never thought she would support my dreams lift me up or become that candle I needed for so long. Her name was moniecorå. We shared something, something so deep long lasting it felt as if she placed a spell upon my heart. No on my mind I couldn’t control it the things I wanted to do for her say to her. “Corå I want this love we share the things we do for one another to last longer then just 30 40 100 years “ when he spoke words it was as if those words was meant only for me an me only. His eyes an lips where gorgeous couldn’t help but kiss them so softly. He made my heart skip an leap. His personality was so simple an honest enjoyable an tamed like a lion of course yes I was in love so deeply in love with it that part of him mysterious soul of his keeps me wanting more an more of his love “jusitñ my love I do anything to keep you by my side “ I believed her an her words her heart was pure to the touch are love couldn’t separate us this is what I believed. Part two monacorea An Jusistñ second life Loving her wasn’t the problem being away was the issue wonder if she felt the same as I do was driving me crazy I had to see her be near her wonder what her voice sounds like the only problem was I forgot what her name was I have this wired feeling we meet before but I honestly don’t know when. ~monacaō !~ A young woman yelled out . Is that her could it be. How when ? She never told me she ! He knocks on the glass excitedly. ~jusistñ !~ she yelled so lovingly. There in the cafè was the love of my life the one man I told my ever secret an store to who new my goals An life dreams the only problem was the distance between us just never remember what his name was until I saw the badge on his shirt. We was cursed to live own together the same life span over an over but in different centuries loving one another changing are names different paths different dreams but bigger love for one another. The only problem was the distance between us .
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