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Black and White Abstract Texture



About: twin halfings vampires tell you there story of how they was born an died an came back to destroy an murder for fun an games. Playing with food is always fun. Mik an mikao brother an sister tells there story through there eyes of victims they divory people they trusted. Read as they kill an be killed here in there on DEATH TRAP.

Part one mikao & mik "Dear brother what do you want me to do with these two?" mik holds there heads up by there hair her eyes blood shot red her body flushed in blood. "Tie them up on the car I wanna hear them scream." Mikao Throws a limb across the room striking up a match as he walks out the house throughing it. The house burst into flams. "Brother?" mik watchs him. " Don't worry baby sister I've got snacks for you. " he shacks a plastic bag field with eye balls and liver. "Get in." Screams feild the night air as they both drove fast on the constant dark icey road. laughing and hitting the celling. "Shut the fuck up!" mik spoke. "We're home everyone." her brother smiled looking in the back seat. "untie the both an place them in the basement an find away to keep them quite." mikao demanded.

Part Two

Skeletons in the back! Part 1

Dragging the bloody body’s down the basement “Mik!” Mikao yells. “Bring yo ass on!” Prancing an skipping she looks at her brother as he struggles. “Brother what about dinner we left down stairs yesterday they’ll see.” He stops. “Go blind fold them.” Skipping down the stairs Mik taps there eyes shut. “Okay brother ! I’m ready!” Clapping her hands Mik gets worked up listening as her brother push an pulls the dead body’s down the stairs “open the fucking freezer.” His eyes glowing in the dusty dark basement stairway Mik prancing over. Opening the door mikao throws the body’s in side with all his strength blood splatters. “HOW FUN!” Squealing at the top of her lungs. Mikao leans over his hands gushing red in blood an lips pierced red licking them. Looking over his dinner.” Go answer the Door.” Mikao pointed upstairs. Dashing up the stairs closing the door.”now what has my demonic halfing of a sister done to you two?” Ask them moving there heads slowly from side to side. Screams an groans grow as he rips it off there face. “Oh my that must’ve hurt.” Looking them in the eyes. With the biggest smile. “Shall we watch a little tv my tasty appetizers.” Tears roll down both there eyes. As they watch the tv. Local news : lovable ms.dower and her two sons died yesterday in a house fire! There is said to be more people in the house. All that remains are severed heads An feet pinned down in the front yard. Mikao looks at them both “I know right it’s sad I believe she could had did more as well” he looks back at the tv. One moans out of anger. “I know I know I’m just as disappointed as you are. I feel where your anger is coming from.” Mikao giving a little huff. Mik runs down stairs “WE HAVE A PROBLEM BIG BROTHER!” Her eyes filled with tears glowing red in the dark. “Not aging” he whispers under his breath. Mik jumps up an down nervous. “I TOLD YOU TO LOCK THE DOORS.” he grabs her arm slinging her across the floor. “I DID I swear .” Mik reply’s “I ....I don’t know....DONT YELL...AT... MEEE” Mik screeched.

Part three

What’s in the house?

Covering his ears mikao felt it pericing through his neck those dark soulless eyes empty an cold. “Well you found me my friend “ Mikao mumbled. “BIG BROTHER!” Mik screams she dug her nails into the floor as was being drug. Mikao turns around watching an waiting. Big brother!” Her screams grew softer quieter an lower. Mikao’s pirced red blood shoot eyes wonder around the room “come out you guys” he says calmly . “Your already dead what more do you want from us. THEN YOU’VE TAKEN !” Hissing back at them both. “BIG BROTHER!” Mik scratched.

Part four

Mik skim

Mikao ran to open the basement door “ is this what your looking for my friends “ Mik lad there on the floor listening to the screams of those the twins was going torture an devour “my dear brothers hat will we eat now? Who will we play with all that’s left is guts an there lungs” the halfing pouts “don’t forget my loving sister the man you ran you over the other week his limbs an head are still hanging down stairs “ he close the door on the dark souls feasting on there dinner an play things. “Then what should we do with them “ she asks. He runs his fingers through his hair . “ we can’t keep dragging them around for the next few years we are in this miserable planet” in quick speed “ then what would you have me do with them my dear sister “ she sets up an looks out the cold Icy dark window her pal blue skin an dark red eyes reflects back “well my half dead body twin i have a plan “

Part Five

the plan.

Mikao Grabs the lantern from the acktk placing it in the middle of the floor ."Okay big brother open the door." The dark figures screamed an welled as the door cracked opened. "Are you sure about this baby sister mik" Nodding her head placing blood inside the lantern. He opens the door like a flash of lighting they flow out and into the lantern. "close it now!" he yelled. shutting the lantern. "Let's go mik winter is almost over." mikao smiled cleverly. "what about the bodies mikao?" Looks back at her with frustration. "Brun the house as usual. An lets go" Mik rushes to the front door looking over the house one last time.Her pitch red eyes price through his heart as she gaze upon her brother . "This was my plan you do it my loving demonized brother." On his knees he hands her the lantern "fine just wait outside" Griping his chest tightly.

Part Six

moving on.

Mikao grips the caller of his shirt dragging him to the car. "next time I'm picking the living area. slamming him into the door of the car. flinching a bit she turns away looking in the back of the car. "Ahh I almost forgot about you guy's." she giggles a bit. smiling evilly. Mik run's his hand throw his hair shaking it all off hitting his hand against the car making a big "BANG!" Mikao jumps a bit. "What's your problem big brother?" He raise's his eye brow looking her up and down. "Did you forget who was in charger here baby sis?" Thumps her on the forehead. "Or has your bloodlust run to your thick cold vengeful evil little head. Mikao walks around to get into the car pouting an mumbling under her breath. "What was that little sister I didn't quite catch it." Mik start's the car. "Is your period on or something what's going on with you today did um "looks over his shoulder an back at her?" Mikao looks at him with' frustration an anger in her eyes.

"I think you would know if I'm on my death cycle you prick." Miako hissed. "since your upset about the last location we lived at why don't you chose the next." Mik suggested.

She nod's happily clapping her hands as hyper an giddy as she was her brother new exactly what it was she was wanting to an where she wanted to go.

Part seven

The twins used to be alive..

During the time of war between the humans and immortal beings an poor ones the death pack was made between two siblings. Two siblings that was born not of this world but of another two siblings that had unlike halfling blood an raised by an artic being the two siblings where the only one's among there class with unworldly an unknown blood running through there system. Miako looks in the backseat "do you want to know what killed the two siblings" she smiles evilly her eyes glow with hunger.
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