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We was supposed to be in the same boat together the same plane together WE was supposed to go over to the new land's as a family. But you had to go back you had to turn around you had to jump ship you had to be the loner of the group. YOU!

Now it's just me and big brother and his fiancé Jenifer. Running her finger tip's across the picture she held in her hand's. "Jupiter why did you have to go back." Her skin was cold as ice cracking at the sight of her lover's photo. "Moon you shouldn't be looking at that." Snatching the picture out of her hand. Tears fall from her frozen in time cheek's. We was supposed to be forever.

How it Started :/

It all started when Mathew meet with a shady character name snake who held up a classy look about himself of course I was there during this fixed exchange of "product" even his dumb girlfriend at the time Jenfier was there. She makes me sick. Big brother had his reason's for liking a women so helpless and I had my reason for disliking a two legged human like her. Oh I'm sorry I forgot to point out she was human. Brother's type Is always them.

"Big brother I'm ready to go!" Moon yelled out the window watching as her brother exchange "the product"

Mathew waved his hand and gave his baby sister a slight nod.

Don't get me wrong I love humanity. I enjoy being around them. I enjoy a certain creation about them.

But to multiply with them I couldn't not for myself.

Being friends sure. Other then that nothing more. They cause destruction and bring caos with every wake an turn.

"Moon be patience little star I'm sure your parent's taught you that when you was a little egg-ling. Right." Jenfier incline back propping her feet up on the dashboard waiting for Mathew.

I hate this bitch so much.

She knows nothing about my kind.

Yet my brother likes her.

Moon tilt her head up towards Jenfier smiling slightly rolling her eye's.

I don't understand the whims and need's of wanting and craving a person that don't want nothing more then to love you an keep you safe. It seems very complicated in my opinion.

Mathew wormed back toward the black Cadillac. "Okay where would you ladies like to go for dinner?" He asked.

"Why not the sushi place around the corner from here?" Jenfier gestured with excitement.

Me and brother glanced at each other with a bit of disgust in are eyes.

"There's a new place big brother up town we all should try It, It's called TIB'BAR I hear it's very popular."

Humans where going there but Jenfier didn't see it that way.

Moon gave her big brother a huge smile rattling her tail. "I never seen humans go there at least not human's like me Mathew baby." Jenfier and her big blue eye's made my brother melt. "Is that what you want to eat Moon?" But in this case they didn't.

He asked her.

I said yes of course.

The TIB'BAR was a bar for both vicious and innocent being's that was looking for a snack or just a bit to eat. luckily it's one of the only spots up town where beings like me and bother couldn't eat human's. If we had went to any spot down town we would've got crucified like pork on harvest day. Yes harvest day It's a day where we all have to actually harvest our own food and cook it for thus family. But for the humans it's called thanksgiving.

"Where should we set?" Moon spoke.

Jenifer clutching Mathew's shirt.

She is so overdramatic.

I swear.

"I'll go find us a table while you take care of you're fragile girlfriend." Moon said sarcastically squirming away.

The bar was filled with a mix of every creature from vampire's to, to human's. Moon felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Excuse me?" The voice muttered.

Turning around she gazed at him. "Yes what is it?"

Why is he so tall? I never seen any this huge before. He bent down. "Do you want to set with us?"

The group was very interesting to moon a forest elf and a human plus a vampire hang with a slither. So tall he had to bind over to talk to her. "I came with my big brother sorry." Moon smiled.

"They can join as well every where else seems full any way." The strange slither spoke with confidence.

"I don't know your name. Beside you all might try and bully me and my big brother. Why should we join you? We don't even know who you are?" Moon held her gaze. Hoping he'll pick up on the joke.

He chuckled. "You have a point. My name is Jupiter. What about you small one?" Moon she glimed a bit.

"I'm Moon."

She join's the the interesting group in conversation telling them how old she was first.

"Well I'm legal age just know that I just like to call my brother, "big brother" his been there for us both every since the humans ripped down the wall between up town."

Moon spoke. It's nice to meet new people to understand the struggle I'm going through with things even after everything that has been going on with my own family and the way my bother is trying to make end's meet.

"Moon are you okay?" Spark asked.

"yeah of course. Just remembering how peaceful times where before the humans seized down the wall." Jupiter stare at Moon understanding how hurt she was.

"I'm sorry you lost your family maybe one day you'll be able to see them aging." He flash's a small smile her way.

"Hey what are you guy's talking about?" Jenfier lap her hand around moon's shoulder like a evil stepmother moon glare's at her.

"You guy's talking about eating rabbits or something more drastic?" Jenfier asked.

The table grew quite. "Who is she?" Damion asked Moon.

"A brain rattling pain in my neck. But I'm sure it will go away in a few "human seconds." "

Moon rolled her eye's everyone laughs except for Jenfier who wasn't sure what she meant feeling a bit left out and confused. "What do mean Moon?" Jenfier wonder.

Mathew wormed his way over. "Baby sister I found us a table." Taking her hand.

"Wait moon how do I get in contact with you?" Jupiter asked.

"Here have my number text me anytime day or night. "

Moon beamed wide. Wriggled her self over towards the table.

"They seemed nice moon. Are they your friends, you been talking about?" Jenfier asked.

I know she doesn't care so why dose she act so docile when she is around my brother.

"no it's not actually." Moon glance back at Jupiter his white pale scales and yellow circled coloring. The blue in his eyes. "There just new for me." Moon mumble.

The tv shifted to channel 34 news HPO the bar owner always stayed up updated. Even when he missed work.

"Today we have word about the huge tsunami heading this way just know If you haven't gotten your several packs today you should. Safety precautions are needed. As you can see ladies and gentleman."

The reporter continued.

Everyone in the bar stopped talking and listened in to his word's even Jenfier and she doesn't shut up for a second. It was nice for a change not to hear her speak. "Back to you Rupert Manner " The reporter transfer the news points over to the lead news caster's.

"Thank you for that most amazing insight on the tsunami. Well yesterday night on BB st near point 3 Blvd. An old couple by the name of Ginger and Emily Hopkins died by the hands of two slither's. There is suspicion they wasn't alone. We can't release any video footage or photos because of how graphic the murder scene was. In other news The vampire Drake is turning 60000 this past Saturday and tends to celebrate it with his human family. "

The other reporter smiles big gapping into the cameras. "There has been changes to plans to combine school district for all children human's and slither's. Coming up next after these messages."

Moon and Jupiter locked eyes one last time she watch's as he wormed his way out the door.

"Moon what do you think about all this?" Mathew asked.

"Huh what?" Moon glance at the menu.

Dammit!! Someone shouted from across the room a loud crash shattered across the room everyone casted there gaze upon the noise with a clatter of they're cup upon the bar. The human gripped the bar tenders shirt smashing his face into the bar table.

"FUCK YOU TRYING TO SAY HALF BREED!" peering down at him.

Pale skinned 5'9 woman tap the man on the shoulder. "We're going to need you and your friends to leave now." Her fangs was showing her eyes was blood shot.

"OH YEAH! FUCK OFF!" The male wiped a kp-01 Sig sauer P226 with a skull symbol on the handle. His buddy's held the same weapon.

I couldn't grasp what exactly was going on. Why the man was so angary at the bar tender? It made no sense.

Pulling out both his Glock 26 Mathew looked Moon and Jenifer in the eye. "Moon. Jenifer." In a deep serious tone. Mathew grabbed both of there hand's placing the car keys in Moon's and a pocket knife in Jenifer's.

"On my singel I need you both to run or worm to the car as fast as you can and don't look back." Jenifer grip the knife in her hand. "Mat what about you?" Jenifer asked watching him stand from the table.

"I'll be right behind you both just don't look back." Giving us both a huge teethy smile. Griping his guns in both hands Mathew walked over.

"Esscuse me buddy but I belevie you and your friend's are causing a great deal for everyone here."

He looked back at his sister and Girlfriend giving them the signal. Moon has been through this drill twice but never has she seen Mathew this serious.

Who was these guy's? Why was they getting under his skin?

Moon grabbed Jenifer's hand and muttered. "Let's go out this way." Moon only new how Jenifer felt although she might not liked her or the way her race thought of there kind Jenifer still loved her bother just as much as Moon did.

"What about your bother Moon?" pulling at her arm they both heard it. Gun shoots there heart's dropped Jenifer looked back watching as everyone scattered and ran out the club like cockroach's running away from death it self.

"Get in the car Jenifer!" Moon yelled seeing the pain in her eye's.

"no we have to go back please... Moon... we. have to go back." her eyes start to tear up Moon could tell she has been through this more then once with Mathew.

"We will wait for him. Get down and lock the door's." Moon says.

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