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War between two feline's and there divide on Blue Ovle.


Year 700000 planet Blue Ovle

purr friend is a cat we enjoy napping scratching love to jump from high places

making the giants do all the work we feline can't. We lived peacefully among our own people in our on land we thought, we was the only one's other then the giant's. The adventurer from another shore in our small world

discovered us while on her travels. The tribe invited her in with open arms and kindness, told us all kind of

stories of other planets and universe even educated us about our world we live among. She left behind this communicator, to stay in contact an up to date with our people and we with her and the news she tells of the outside walls our little village we live in. Then one day the village heard nothing from her, her last words where "There Coming!" We wasn't sure what she meant but wasn't afraid of anything or anyone.

In the year 700000 our land was divided because of someone's dumb mistakes.

Part one::

We live in a secluded area surrounded by trees and water I am arkum nothing but a small cat like creature who resides here on this beautiful planet. On the other side of the forest past our wall is the fox king and his beloved wife arkin'a.

ON the other side is a city rule area with beauty an life of all find of furry creatures alike.

But today. Here among my people our faithful company the adventure lost contact with us when she told us "THERE COMING!"

She should have never went into there camp grounds that's the mistake she has made.

We as a tribe are vengeful creatures there will be no peace until her body is retrieve from there lands. I am Arkum join us as we rise to fight for the adventure that we alone showed favor to.

In the year 600000 summer the adventure arrives to the felines shelter.

Part two::

Arkun and the village was kind to the adventure. Most of the Female feline toke a liking to her and gave her

gifts they made by hand. Arkun was busy crushing up some herbs before greeting her again.

Malia had already toke it upon herself to search the adventure things for anything dangerous or harmful to the tribe. "Brother what do you call this?" Malia never seen anything so new or shiny. "I'm not sure but to be safe lets ask the adventure I'm sure it couldn't be dangerous" Arkun spoke. A celebration was held in honor of new friendship and peace Arkun placed the mixture in the middle of the adventure forehead. "whipping away all negative energy" arkun spoke calmly. The Adventure stayed with the village for the remaining year gather information and understand about them and Arkun and his tribe gather more understanding about the adventure.

Presten day 700000

This story is on hold until further notice. Thank you for your patience and support.

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