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Black and White Abstract Texture


The Adventuers of La’kari

" I'm so tired of the lies an people in my heart telling me what to do                 it's not my fault that I suck at life. I believe most people enjoy it my suffering that is                  you don't believe me." They look at you showing you a picture of a grey haired slime girl with           dewy eyes an dear ears. "This is my best friend her names La'kari she's a between'er. Why        am I showing you this it's because we haven't talked since this guy stepped in the picture.            They shows you another picture. This time of a guy short chunky with blue an dark         on his face his trunk hides his mouth. "His name is derrell james. uck I know." She swipes through her      phone. "For the past few months its been nothing but us 3 by months I mean 4 his been clinging to her   like a poop bug to well you know." They role there eyes as they through there phone on there bed. "My parents       ask me if we stopped talking to each other they even tried to set me up on a friend date thingy."    They grab they're back pack. "All I have to say is that I would like my old friend back because this La'kari isn't the one i grew up with." They close there room door.

"Hey welcome back last time i was venting about my best friend La'kari an her horrid boy toy derrell james." They role there eye's as they open there locker. "Good Moring___Y/N___." That voice is none other then, They close there locker and there she was looking down at me. "yes good Moring." An there he was right beside her. "So do you wanna hang out after school today____Y/N____." I could just say yes but he will be there I would like to spend some time with my best friend alone. Then aging. "Look kari I have plans nothing against you its just.." They look over at derrell james smacking away on some gum he just placed in his mouth holding a blank stare on his face. The bell rings. "I just see you at lunch Kari." Did I fail to Minchin we used to take class's toghter until derrell convinced her it be best if they was in the same class's toghter. "Barf" Tell me the truth do I sound selfish or needy. Every day once I get home from school first thing I do is my homework Because one my parents will be on my butt if I don't two the coach for the high acracy sports academy looks at all students progress an also. I can't afford to fail another class this semesters. The next thing I do is login to mini stream accont an do live broadcast you know like radio or tv but on here it doesn't last but 50 sec. After I'm done on there i do my daily hygiene routine an then i crash after mom has made the best meal ever. If La'kari was hanging out it would be different. "_____Y/N_____ Are you listening?" They look at Mr. fords. "yes'sir" "well then you don't mind answering my question. Within the 300090 pried that an anniversary of our serval on this planet how many human beings an unworldy's proximately traveled from there homes to ours?" Mr. ford places his note book on the table looking for me to answer, I know the answer I do. " within the past 300090 pried but 200 was found near the blue airrow hue outside the planets light zone." Mr. fords counties with class. " As I was saying 300090 years ago." wehw. That was a close one. I been studying my butt off an it is starting to show.

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