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4 Main Goddess 

Dra is a star Goddess and one of Mother universe Children.  Dra also is the Goddess Of two Planets Mojiretsu and Ges-Jin. She is praised highly on one her soul mate is remembered and loved on the other. Dra is the second oldest out of All the Star gods an universe children.


Mai is one out 3 moon Goddess an one of Mother Universe Children. She is a Highly Praised Goddess on planet's NIKURO-MIKARU-HOITTONI Mai has two statues an a temple in her honor. 

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  Ra                     &      Da

Ra & Da are also star Goddess and one of Mother universe Children.  They both also are the God and Goddess Of DRAK PLANET. They are known and  praised highly as the dark ones. They both are one of the youngest siblings out of All the Star Goddess children.



Also a Star Goddess one of mother Universe childern. She is Praised over BLUE OVLE she is only remberd by the giants. 

 Kice'a holder of all key's
_Beauty was her name her voice was like echoes an echoes of dripping light tones sweet sugar her eyes an lips glowed a light blue color her skin pal as snow, it's self her name was as unique as her souls Kice'a holder of all key's an possession's in time an future. Her heart has never been touched by none her mind has never been explored by any And her soul was open an pure as all was wise gentle. Only Those close an close only know more about her goddess like talents. she stands an lay's surrounded by her loving talisman an woman. providing wilding and hosting more knowledgeable information from each planet an universe it self... _

Mi-nem the captured mermaid


born during the misty moon an cursed lake 1/3/00000



The mother of the enchmanet the first mermaid captured by the dark dwellers and therated by the dark maids , first mermaid cursed by them and first mermaid to have a spell put upon her by the mist witch herself.





"I'm putting a spell over the deepest part of your memory, so no one can find you unless they them self have a spell placed upon them."

"so I can transfer my power's to you am getting old the dark ones are getting clever wiser. once i do this you will be stronger then before and me everything


 "will disappear beside this very memory of us meeting, yes that's right once you find that one thing that is true to you if it betrays you then you..."


"Well i can't say i never tired this spell before" Mi-nem eyes widen as she spoke with clear indication of uncertainty. "now say it"


 Was also one of the first mermaids to live alone and have 3 halflings with a werewolf.​

His name : He goes by plenty.


Here kids:



and twins : Imne-ayn and__N/N___ 


Chi-re the First halfing

 The queen of a small village In globtree where everything and everyone trvale to the hustle and bustle of globtree most the population is Elfings and halfing's 
The discrimination rates are high but the old kingdom and serpentine rock and wastful shore rate declines as Globtrees rise's with more and more wear wolf's and human's from 
the oldkingdom.
The hlafing queen was the first of her kind right after Arron to be crown queen of globtree an a small village to have both her children missing and killed. 
And she was the first queen to go missing from the village an the first halfing queen to born under the Snow star an Feather of darkness. 200000/1/30 of the cold. 
She was last seen by a scoler in the dark forest near her home village.

3 Missing Goddess
Year 089 day70 month0
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Mion 22month 70day year2290
Rose Petal's lost love
Evrin                    &    Morana

Daorsat queen an leader of the baitemir  worries

Her story is being told by her daughter pershpna.

Doarsat was once the queen an high ruler over all the 3 kingdoms 70 villages 3 towns an small city's of the dark planet the leader of the batiiemir worries.

Daorsat was born between the light an sun day 50/000/900000 

she died by the hands of her own husband. (Also the first queen on the dark Planet)


Evrin in love with Morana he gifted her humans and Elves on a planet he produce on his on creation. Name Nirtha Morana Gifted in return a portion of land to there child Izel. 

Mother universe

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Mother and father Goddess of the Planet Nirtha she hold in her hands not one but two lands and a lake, the myth is she only hold grounds upon one. Hellan Medows. Another was named by her with a staute in the middle of the village it self. Legende says you can visit the lake near the Hellan Medows she will grant your request as long as your a elf. 

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