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Dark Planet

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 Mostly running on pink water is useful but also toxic, humans can't drink it. it's only for us are lands are beautiful we aren't the only ones on this planet the dark ones still roam this world the lost map of are old world is kept in a crypt on grieving  grounds Robos and A.I's elctornics alike rised on an island near  Ghost ocean's  there lie the pink hue of pink ocean waters witch are not yet tamed by the mind an senese of smell  the monsters an villans that rest here are not kind wto traverls of the outside past death waters an toxic oceans are unknown islands. Happy to have some unwanted face's on this misrable planet.
Dimined scum of the planet soul sucking creatures with beautiful diamond eyes and body girting in the sun and night pricing red claws lives on dark planet's moon home of its on eenemy the island of wroms on the dark plant. 


Robo Cave
was once called robo island It flourished with green's and beautiful trees flowers of all kinds
was on the only island that inhabited human life forms but not just any human like life forms
these life froms didn't have ears an only spoke in hum's but could never understand white suite launge
witch is in revers japanes These life froms where more advaince then the old kingdom and the planet hoittion
there sicine labs spred wide through the glaxay these life froms made androis,BBP's, ClLO,Morpods, and Robots
an more for each planet there was something specil something uniqie even for the under water dark lords an queen's
The life froms didn't last long There sience lab #31109 was doing more then a secert experamnet on expoler's
on the dark planet they was taking electrion parts an placing it inside there bodys to make mega botic humanoinds
there experamnets was a succes. why not try aging some sintise susspected that was rescy inculeding for the
milllions they have required so far. A sicnetise name Jamie Li with a vast memoery unlike the other life froms
deiced to mate the two humans befoer compelteing the experment. And asked why not start from scketch?
There distruiton came from this experment #3221 experament Ageing baby mega botic humanoinds
not knowing the dangoures they was faceing Jamie an her lab died one by one by inttellgent andiords willing to
resc it all for 300 new born humnaonid botic life froms.
the unkown life froms met the distrution in the short term life span on there island.
As a edaction the millions an millsions of robo an cyborg ect. buried an morn some celebrte there death.
RIP The hum clan.
don't be sad there are plenty more on other planets that dosen't know of this tragady.

Robo cave is a land with many small villages an empty since labs an homes be careful most botic humaninds an
other electronics are not friendly.
there aren't many rules just use your mind.
Robo cave once was a friendly land. No has visted there is a war going on beteween the robots an androis on
the south end of the land over a prince an princess.
oceans no oceans just a lake small. a few hills an moutins. 

*sweet an nice- In some lands on this planet being kind will land you in THE TRIANGLE OF YOUTH! If your crime is as good as handing out supplies homeless an lost dogs. your sentences is 5 days in the triangle anything larger like covering your mouth or saying thank you waving land you more then a year.

       *Males of most islands-  Most men have rights to do as they please but this isn't for

  every country or island on Dark Planet. They must listen to every word there partner
                           asks of them.
  *Love- on most island's or country's these things are forbidden.(friend, accqatince)
                              Are very safe words.

Vampire and snack people also lay awake among these land's across the toxic water's on the lost map the unseen land's that's where you'll find them. > 

Dark Planet.jpg
The Triangle of youth- Was formed for those who cause soft an sweet crimes
(Plague grounds/Death grounds hold the highest amount of crimes since the death penalty century)
The Triangle of Youth is a prison an jail holing facility run by four sibiling's
-The Yasmine twins
The triangle is apart of the lost map Clouded by dark pink smoke and gray clouds this
prticaluer prison sets on a island brick tall wall souroundig it.
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