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nikuro planet.jpeg

Earth.1 Nikuro home of mermaids and tails of declining goddess encontuer becuase of there love of war agisnt each other an the sea.

Humanity in Enchantment and Globtree the population is not as large as it was in its early day's. Here is why. >

Nikuro has eight lands and 2 walls seperated between:

enchathment/old kingdom

Globtree/wastful shore's

these two implanes have differnt storys an resaon why there seperated from eavthoother. 

The discovery of Nikuro and ceration was declaryed by the goddess Mai the star Goddess herself who out of 4 sibling's was the most honest an kindest but deadlets to touch. Mai also cerated Hoittoni and Mikaru as gifts to her childern.

Basic compose for this universr used in old an new kingdom for the sea an map and on land. 

  • Shrum

  • Grason

  • Echathment

Wall of old kingdom

Globtree very first normal half breed mermaid and parent's being isolated from there on kin for there crimes. >

  • Globtree

  • Wastful Shores

  • Sereapntin rock

  • Iwaki cliffs

Who is Mai the maker and Goddess of Nikuru?

Created out among the goddess for threating there lives and ceasing audience rumors amongst each other. To have admirals in favor by looking into her eyes "you're the one true will an hope dreams an lies celestial crushed." With fire holding those soft golden hands make you feel comfortable and alive. You'll lust an crave only her, man or women just by looking at her you'll want to, She was the true Celestial/half breed. 

Goddess who holds us all in the palm of her hand. But really she's just one of the many Goddesses of sentence of death and the mother of 3 savor creator's an destroys.

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